

python Programming Glossary: create_engine

Can SQLAlchemy be used with Google Cloud SQL?


string dialect see docs mysql gaerdbms dbname E.g. create_engine 'mysql gaerdbms mydb' connect_args instance myinstance Update.. or other extension where you don't explicitly make the create_engine call. If you are having trouble connecting to Google Cloud SQL..

How can I profile a SQLAlchemy powered application?


python's logging module or via the echo True argument on create_engine can give you an idea how long things are taking. For example..

Why is SQLAlchemy insert with sqlite 25 times slower than using sqlite3 directly?


from sqlalchemy import Column Integer String create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session sessionmaker Base.. def init_sqlalchemy dbname 'sqlite sqlalchemy.db' engine create_engine dbname echo False DBSession.configure bind engine autoflush.. from sqlalchemy import Column Integer String create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session sessionmaker Base..

Convert sqlalchemy row object to python dict


print sqlalchemy version sqlalchemy.__version__ engine create_engine 'sqlite memory ' echo False metadata MetaData users_table Table..

How to discover table properties from SQLAlchemy mapped object


properties columns names relations from this class engine create_engine 'sqlite ' databasePath echo True # setting up root class for..

Sqlite / SQLAlchemy: how to enforce Foreign Keys?


gets turned on What I have tried is this engine sqlalchemy.create_engine 'sqlite memory ' echo True engine.execute 'pragma foreign_keys.. dbapi_con.execute 'pragma foreign_keys ON' engine create_engine database_url listeners ForeignKeysListener Then be careful how..

Creating self-referential tables with polymorphism in SQLALchemy


from datetime import datetime from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy import Column ForeignKey from sqlalchemy import.. orphan text Column Unicode 255 nullable False engine create_engine 'sqlite ' echo True Base.metadata.bind engine Base.metadata.create_all..

SQLAlchemy Obtain Primary Key With Autoincrement Before Commit


class Blah unittest.TestCase def setUp self self.engine create_engine 'sqlite memory ' echo True self.sessionmaker scoped_session..

SQLAlchemy classes across files


have a main.py something like this from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from.. Base declarative_base import A import B import C engine create_engine sqlite test.db Base.metadata.create_all engine checkfirst True.. Integer ForeignKey A.id main.py from sqlalchemy import create_engine from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship backref sessionmaker..

SQLAlchemy - Dictionary of tags


proxy from sqlalchemy import Column Integer String Table create_engine from sqlalchemy import orm MetaData Column ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.orm.. import association_proxy Create a test environment engine create_engine 'sqlite memory ' echo True meta MetaData bind engine Define..

I need a sample of python unit testing sqlalchemy model with nose


sessionmaker from db import model from sqlalchemy import create_engine def setup engine create_engine 'sqlite memory ' session.configure.. from sqlalchemy import create_engine def setup engine create_engine 'sqlite memory ' session.configure bind engine # You probably..