python Programming Glossary: creator
“BadValueError: Property category is required” on GAE question db.StringProperty required True multiline True creator db.StringProperty required True multiline True answer db.StringProperty.. doQuestionPage id eachQ.key ' eachQ.question a br by eachQ.creator p endfor The class to add data to datastore Note this is attached.. a and m newQuestion model.Question category c question q creator emailStr answer a mustHave m newQuestion.put template_values..
Named regular expression group “(?P<group_name>regexp)”: what does “P” stand for? here. You are probably aware of Python. I am Python's creator I am planning to release a next major version Python 1.5 by..
PDF bleed detection including potential white space as intended by the page ™s creator. The default value is the page ™s crop box. The page object dictionary..
how to unserialize this data with php? 10 12 10 48 s 10 updated_at s 19 2013 02 10 12 10 48 s 7 creator s 4 1842 s 6 editor N s 7 _values a 0 s 6 _state i 3 s 13 _lastModified..
Check if key is pressed using python (a daemon in the background) we need print xkb.ExtractLocks xkbstaterec Cheers to the creator whose code can be found here and to Jason Orendorffl for drawing..
Why do list comprehensions write to the loop variable, but generators don't? comprehension share improve this question Python ™s creator Guido van Rossum mentions this when he wrote about generator..
Django Inheritance and Permalinks primary_key True name models.CharField max_length 255 creator models.ForeignKey auth.models.User editable False related_name..
Python list comprehension rebind names even after scope of comprehension. Is this right? in Python 2 but not in Python 3. Here's Guido van Rossum creator of Python explaining the history behind this We also made another..
Python or Ruby Interpreter on iOS ios id485729872 mt 8 uo 4 Full disclosure I am the sole creator developer of the Python for iOS App. share improve this answer..
How to retrieve author of a office file in python? around at it briefly leads me to suspect it's stored as dc creator in docProps core.xml . Here's how you can open the docx file.. . Here's how you can open the docx file and retrieve the creator import zipfile lxml.etree # open zipfile zf zipfile.ZipFile.. 'docProps core.xml' # retrieve creator ns 'dc' 'http dc elements 1.1 ' creator doc.xpath '..
Python 3.0.1 Executable Creator Does anyone know if there's a windows Python executable creator program available now that supports Python 3.0.1 It seems that..
Multiline Comments in python a class function module they are ignored. Guido van Rossum creator of Python approves . ''' This is a multiline comment. ''' ..
SQLAlchemy - Dictionary of tags description notes association_proxy '_notesdict' 'value' creator Note Mapping mapper Note tb_notes mapper Item tb_items properties..
Has anyone used Sphinx to document a C++ project? [closed] gain. It sadly seems that maintainance through the creator will go down severely in the future. So if you are working in..
How to install JPype on OS X Lion to use with Neo4j? OS X 10.6 and didn't have any insight. I also emailed the creator of JPype who told me that he only uses Windows and has no idea..
Why should Python PEP-8 specify a maximum line length of 79 characters? [closed] the content consumer not the responsibility of the content creator. Are there any legitimately good reasons for adhering to 79..