

python Programming Glossary: cprofile.run

Python multiprocess profiling


in range 5 p multiprocessing.Process target worker args i cProfile.run 'p.start ' 'prof d.prof' i I'm starting 5 processes and therefore.. test num time.sleep 3 print 'Worker ' num def worker num cProfile.runctx 'test num ' globals locals 'prof d.prof' num if __name__..

Is there any simple way to benchmark python script?


example from the official docs import cProfile import re cProfile.run 're.compile foo bar ' Which will give you 197 function calls..

How to filter (or replace) unicode characters that would take more than 3 bytes in UTF-8?


unicode_string print ' ' 10 ' filter_using_re ' ' ' 10 cProfile.run 'repeat_test filter_using_re test_string ' print ' ' 10 ' filter_using_python.. test_string ' print ' ' 10 ' filter_using_python ' ' ' 10 cProfile.run 'repeat_test filter_using_python test_string ' #print test_string.encode..

Improving pure Python prime sieve by recurrence formula


cProfile.Profile.bias 4e 6 for test in rwh_primes1 primes cProfile.run test numprimes Profiling not so much difference between versions..

Memoization Handler


factorial d num return handler.memo factorial d num cProfile.run 'factorialTwice ' cProfile.run 'memoizedFactorial ' python.. factorial d num cProfile.run 'factorialTwice ' cProfile.run 'memoizedFactorial ' python dynamic programming memoization..

App Engine: Is time.sleep() counting towards my quotas?


test import cProfile import time def foo time.sleep 3 cProfile.run 'foo ' Which gave me the following output 4 function calls in..

How can you profile a Python script?


code or from the interpreter like this import cProfile cProfile.run 'foo ' Even more usefully you can invoke the cProfile when running..

Optimizing Python Code [closed]


can run a function in cProfile like this import cProfile cProfile.run 'myFunction ' 'myFunction.profile' Then to view the results..

Profiled performance of len(set) vs. set.__len__() in Python 3


def main s set lenA s lenB s if __name__ __main__ cProfile.run main stats According to profiler's stats below lenA seems to..

Accurate timing of functions in python


my time_it function returns an average of 2.5 ms while the cProfile.run 'f ' returns and average of 7.0 ms. I figured my function would..