python Programming Glossary: createfile
Create NTFS junction point in Python the file correctly depending on the string type. handle CreateFileW fpath GENERIC_READ 0 None OPEN_EXISTING FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT.. FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT 0 if type fpath unicode else CreateFile fpath GENERIC_READ 0 None OPEN_EXISTING FILE_FLAG_OPEN_REPARSE_POINT.. __name__ '__main__' example Adjust the attributes in the CreateFile to your needs but for a normal situation it should work. Feel..
Listing serial (COM) ports on Windows? holds the full list of available ports. Tryint to call CreateFile on COMN with N a number from 1 to something. This isn't good.. with a NULL lpDeviceName to list all DOS devices. Then use CreateFile and GetCommConfig with each device name in turn to figure out..
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied when trying to open hidden file in “w” mode Under the hood Python's open function is calling the CreateFile function and if that fails it translates the Windows error code.. CREATE_ALWAYS . If you carefully read the remarks in the CreateFile documentation it says this If CREATE_ALWAYS and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL.. If CREATE_ALWAYS and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL are specified CreateFile fails and sets the last error to ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if the..
How to create a temporary file that can be read by a subprocess? parameter dwSharedMode shared mode flag FILE_SHARE_READ to CreateFile function which Enables subsequent open operations on a file..
Using a struct as a function argument with the python ctypes module c_void_p NULL 0 FALSE BOOL 0 TRUE BOOL 1 def CreateFile filename access sharemode creation flags return HANDLE windll.kernel32.CreateFileW.. sharemode creation flags return HANDLE windll.kernel32.CreateFileW LPWSTR filename DWORD access DWORD sharemode LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.. for target junction.' source translate_path source hFile CreateFile link_name GENERIC_WRITE 0 OPEN_EXISTING FILE_FLAG_REPARSE_BACKUP..