python Programming Glossary: createprocess
Problem deploying Python program (packaged with py2exe) got the following error when trying to run the application CreateProcess failed code 14001. The app won't run. Note I am using wxPython..
Popen waiting for child process even when the immediate child has terminated
Executing a subprocess fails to the documentation On Windows the Popen class uses CreateProcess to execute the child program which operates on strings. If args..
What is the subprocess.Popen max length of the args parameter? not come into play. On windows subprocess will use the CreateProcess function from Win32 API to create the new process. The documentation.. using args for the first parameter. If my reading of the CreateProcess documentation and of the subprocess module source code is correct..
How to use subprocess when multiple arguments contain spaces? Python on MS Windows the subprocess.Popen class uses the CreateProcess API to started the process. CreateProcess takes a string rather.. class uses the CreateProcess API to started the process. CreateProcess takes a string rather than something like an array of arguments... to convert the list of args to a string for CreateProcess. If I were you I'd see what subprocess.list2cmdline args returns..