

python Programming Glossary: courtesy

Postgresql socket error when running Django's syncdb (mac OS 10.7.5)


share improve this question Found the answer courtesy of Bradley Ayers set unix_socket_directory to var pgsql_socket..

Django Query using .order_by() and .latest()


of the explicit order_by . The LIMIT is tacked on er later courtesy latest . Let us also see Case 3 where you explicitly specify..

Python: MySQLdb and “Library not loaded: libmysqlclient.16.dylib”


in opt local lib mysql5 mysql libmysqlclient.16.dylib courtesy of MacPorts has MD5 signature c79ee91af08057dfc269ee212915801a..

Valid use case for django admin?


user profile page. Django already has a nice login system courtesy of the django.contrib.auth module. You can easily integrate..

How to create a stock quote fetching app in python


finance share improve this question This module comes courtesy of Corey Goldberg . Program import urllib import re def get_quote..

Python Uniform Spherical Distribution


sphere of particles. This is what I am looking for images courtesy of http nojhan.free.fr metah This is a picture of a slice of..

Programmatically generate video or animated GIF in Python?


the script images2gif.py formerly images2gif.py update courtesy of @geographika . Then to reverse the frames in a gif for instance..