

python Programming Glossary: count

Python: Get object by id


and proxies to objects without having those references count in the reference counter. They're like symbolic links. share..

Ping a site in Python?


import ping socket try ping.verbose_ping 'www.google.com' count 3 delay ping.Ping 'www.wikipedia.org' timeout 2000 .do except..

*args and **kwargs? [duplicate]


your function. For example def print_everything args for count thing in enumerate args ... print ' 0 . 1 '.format count thing.. count thing in enumerate args ... print ' 0 . 1 '.format count thing ... print_everything 'apple' 'banana' 'cabbage' 0. apple..

Single quotes vs. double quotes in Python [closed]


Return a language appropriate string reporting the light count. return LIGHT_MESSAGES language locals def is_pirate message..

Simple Prime Generator in Python


what I'm doing wrong with this code. It is just printing 'count' anyway. I just want a very simple prime generator nothing fancy.. fancy . Thanks a lot. lincoln. import math def main count 3 one 1 while one 1 for x in range 2 int math.sqrt count 1 if.. count 3 one 1 while one 1 for x in range 2 int math.sqrt count 1 if count x 0 continue if count x 0 print count count 1 python..

How to get line count cheaply in Python?


to get line count cheaply in Python I need to get a line count of a large file.. to get line count cheaply in Python I need to get a line count of a large file hundreds of thousands of lines in python. What.. 1 is it possible to do any better python text files line count share improve this question You can't get any better than..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


using namespace std int main string input_line long line_count 0 time_t start time NULL int sec int lps while cin getline.. lps while cin getline cin input_line if cin.eof line_count sec int time NULL start cerr Saw line_count lines in sec seconds... cin.eof line_count sec int time NULL start cerr Saw line_count lines in sec seconds. if sec 0 lps line_count sec cerr Crunch..

Which Python memory profiler is recommended? [closed]


a set of 132527 objects. Total size 8301532 bytes. Index Count Size Cumulative Kind class dict of class 0 35144 27 2140412..

Count occurrence of a character in a Python string


occurrence of a character in a Python string What's the simplest..

How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII


you choose MacRoman or cp1252. Statistical approach Count character NOT byte frequencies in the data you know to be UTF.. 0xA1 0xA5 0xA8 0xD0 0xD1 0xD5 or 0xE1 suggest MacRoman. Count up the cp1252 suggesting bytes and the MacRoman suggesting bytes..

How do I profile memory usage in Python? [duplicate]


of a set of 48477 objects. Total size 3265516 bytes. Index Count Size Cumulative Kind class dict of class 0 25773 53 1612820.. of a set of 3 objects. Total size 176 bytes. Index Count Size Cumulative Kind class dict of class 0 1 33 136 77 136 77..

Speed comparison with Project Euler: C vs Python vs Erlang vs Haskell


codes used #include stdio.h #include math.h int factorCount long n double square sqrt n int isquare int square int count.. count int main long triangle 1 int index 1 while factorCount triangle 1001 index triangle index printf ld n triangle # usr.. n triangle # usr bin env python3.2 import math def factorCount n square math.sqrt n isquare int square count 1 if isquare square..

Using Python's Multiprocessing module to execute simultaneous and separate SEAWAT/MODFLOW model runs


# threads die if the program dies t.start print 'Active Count a' threading.activeCount for _ in threads print _ q.put_nowait.. dies t.start print 'Active Count a' threading.activeCount for _ in threads print _ q.put_nowait None # signal no more.. threads print t t.join # wait for completion print 'Active Count b' threading.activeCount The line which reads D Data Users.....

Union and Intersect in Django


s tagged_item s.object_id GROUP BY model_pk s HAVING COUNT model_pk s tag_count s 'model_pk' ' s. s' model_table qn model._meta.pk.column..

Python dateutils print recurrence rule according to iCalendar format (see RFC 5545)


and I want to print this as a string like RRULE FREQ DAILY COUNT 5 Can anyone tell me if there is a method to achieve this I..

How do you make Python / PostgreSQL faster?


id ' s' person_id It be replaced with a simple SELECT COUNT FROM ... . Never update to increment a count. Just count the.. statement. If you can't do this with a simple SELECT COUNT or SELECT COUNT DISTINCT you're missing some data your data.. If you can't do this with a simple SELECT COUNT or SELECT COUNT DISTINCT you're missing some data your data model should always..

Python: Number of rows affected by cursor.execute("SELECT …)


the number of rows affected by cursor.execute SELECT COUNT from result where server_state '2' AND name LIKE ' digest _.. this question Try using fetchone cursor.execute SELECT COUNT from result where server_state '2' AND name LIKE ' digest _.. result will hold a tuple with one element the value of COUNT . So to find the number of rows number_of_rows result 0 Or if..

Multiple database support in django


myCursor myConnection.cursor myCursor.execute SELECT COUNT 1 FROM my_table myCursor.fetchone share improve this answer..

grouping objects to achieve a similar mean property for all groups


len q def report q for x in q print mean x len x x SIZE 5 COUNT 37 #seed SIZE data randint 1 1000 for _ in range COUNT data.. 5 COUNT 37 #seed SIZE data randint 1 1000 for _ in range COUNT data sorted data NBUCKETS COUNT SIZE 1 SIZE order shuffle range.. 1 1000 for _ in range COUNT data sorted data NBUCKETS COUNT SIZE 1 SIZE order shuffle range COUNT NBUCKETS posts cycle range..

SQLAlchemy ordering by count on a many to many relationship


This is the query I'm basically trying to issue SELECT p. COUNT l.`pid` as `likes` FROM `posts` as p LEFT JOIN `like` as l ON..

Django equivalent of COUNT with GROUP BY


equivalent of COUNT with GROUP BY I know Django 1.1 has some new aggregation methods... out equivalent of the following query SELECT player_type COUNT FROM players GROUP BY player_type Is it possible with Django..