

python Programming Glossary: course_data

Python/YACC: Resolving a shift/reduce conflict


PLY. Here is one of my states from parser.out state 3 5 course_data course . 6 course_data course . course_list_tail 3 or_phrase.. my states from parser.out state 3 5 course_data course . 6 course_data course . course_list_tail 3 or_phrase course . OR_CONJ COURSE_NUMBER.. for OR_CONJ resolved as shift end reduce using rule 5 course_data course . OR_CONJ shift and go to state 7 shift and go to state..

Python: How best to parse a simple grammar?


cases def __init__ self self.result # ... self.statement course_data Optional OR_CONJ course_data .setParseAction self.disjunctionCourses.. # ... self.statement course_data Optional OR_CONJ course_data .setParseAction self.disjunctionCourses def disjunctionCourses..