

python Programming Glossary: counterintuitive

Numpy Matrix class: Default constructor attributes for inherited class


the data argument in __new__ not in __init__ . This is counterintuitive behaviour though I'm sure there's a good reason for it. Anyway..

Importing modules: __main__ vs import as module


the reason for it. How and why does this happen It seems counterintuitive that the same module would exist twice. If I execute python..

Understanding pandas dataframe indexing


the difference although I must admit that it is a little counterintuitive. Edit The difference was identified by Dougal see his comment..

Python optional parameters


an instance of that object. This leads to some fairly counterintuitive behavior if you're thinking that f adds an item to a list returning.. stored in one of the function's attributes it's much less counterintuitive x f 3 y f 4 x y True x 1 2 3 4 x.append 5 f 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Knowing..

Reading file string into an array (In a pythonic way)


newarray i array.float array i This works buts seems a bit counterintuitive and antipythonic I wanted to know if there is a better way to..

Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm in python not working


made that mistake because you're using a really weird and counterintuitive data structure. Here's what I think is an improvement it adds..