

python Programming Glossary: correctness

How to do a meaningful code-coverage analysis of my unit-tests?


Preferably they want something which validates the correctness of every component in our system. That's obviously going to..

Making a Python script Object-Oriented


while it currently takes quadratic time O N squared . Then correctness the two statements right after continue never execute. Do you.. code OO and or modular I suggest clarifying the indenting correctness situation applying the enhancements I've proposed and leaving..

variable name introspection in Python


a job that could be done much more simply easier to ensure correctness easier to debug any problems easier to test etc etc far from..

Overriding a pandas DataFrame column with dictionary values, where the dictionary keys match a non-index column?


in this comment . Note that this is not an issue of correctness since reversing the order of access has a predictable effect... from writing a value into the column then you might have a correctness issue with this. But given that loc is not available until Pandas..

Python 3 __getattr__ behaving differently than in Python 2?


to bypassing any instance attributes in the interest of correctness implicit special method lookup generally also bypasses the __getattribute__..

Search for string allowing for one mismatch in any location of the string


also supplied a simplistic method for helping with the correctness checking and I've packaged a variation of Paul's re code for..

Should I worry about circular references in Python?


method . So reference loops will not affect your program's correctness but may affect its performance and or footprint. If and when..

library for representing 3D polyhedra


model do not have 'holes' in them. The focus would be on correctness first and speed a close second Ideally this library would have..

Python - datetime of a specific timezone


0 Now you could use this to get the info with time zone correctness print datetime.datetime.now EST Output 2010 11 01 13 44 20.231259..

Why not always use psyco for Python code?


Python code Does it make mistakes sometimes and ruins the correctness of the program Increases the runtime for some weird cases Have..

Why Python is so slow for a simple loop


integer comparisions jumping if they fail to maintain correctness in case you got a string in that list. Java can do the same..