python Programming Glossary: correction
Showing a gtk.Calendar in a menu? # Calendar window co ordinates without off screen correction # Window origin x y # # V # # Main Window # # # Toggle.. cal_y win_y rect.y rect.height x y self.apply_screen_coord_correction cal_x cal_y cal_window toggle_button cal_window.move x y cal_window.show_all.. event.y rect.y rect.height x y self.apply_screen_coord_correction cal_x cal_y cal_window toggle_button cal_window.move x y # This..
Fastest way to list all primes below N in python 3035188#3035188 Input n 6 Returns a list of primes 2 p n correction n 6 1 n 0 n 1 n 1 2 n 4 3 n 3 4 n 2 5 n 1 n 6 sieve True n 3.. k 2 k i 1 6 1 k 1 return 2 3 3 i 1 1 for i in xrange 1 n 3 correction if sieve i def sieve_wheel_30 N # http p 88 '''..
What is the purpose of the colon before a block in Python? by Guido here . PS Thanks to ShaChris23 for supplying a correction to the Python FAQ URL the Python site has been reorganized since..
python -> multiprocessing module know when to stop # this is the block of code that needs correction. if multi_process # One way to spawn 4 processes # pool Pool..
How to make python 3 print() utf8 python 3.x stdout share improve this question First a correction TestText Test ..š ūŪžŽ # this NOT utf is a Unicode string..
How to improve performance of this code?
Fast prime/factorization module 3035188#3035188 # Input N 6 Returns a list of primes 2 p N correction N 6 1 N 0 N 1 N 1 2 N 4 3 N 3 4 N 2 5 N 1 N 6 sieve True N 3.. k 2 k i 2 6 1 k 1 return 2 3 3 i 1 1 for i in range 1 N 3 correction if sieve i smallprimeset set primesbelow 100000 _smallprimeset..
High precision arithmetric in Python and/or C/C++? these functions note that I haven't implemented timezone correction yet d lambda x decimal.Decimal str x cdef object fractional2hms..
Porting optimized Sieve of Eratosthenes from Python to C++ def primes2 n Input n 6 Returns a list of primes 2 p n n correction n n 6 6 2 n 6 1 sieve True n 3 for i in xrange 1 int n 0.5 3.. k 2 i 1 4 6 1 k 1 return 2 3 3 i 1 1 for i in xrange 1 n 3 correction if sieve i Now I can slightly grasp the idea of the optimizing.. I have trouble with the techniques used like the correction variable and in general how it comes together. A link to a site..
Improve speed of reading and converting from binary file with python too repetitive. EDIT channel_names is a list so I made the correction suggested by @eumiro remove typoed brackets EDIT I am currently..
How to display an image in GAE datastore? img src image img_id s img I've tested your code with my correction and it works nicely from google.appengine.ext import db from..
How do you convert a naive datetime to DST-aware datetime in Python? times so in order to do a solution like a timedelta correction before saving I would need to know if the timezone supports..
Exact figure size in matplotlib with title, axis labels space for the label. Then if needed you can calculate the correction to get the actual picture or figure size you want as you already..
Different behaviour for list.__iadd__ and list.__add__ followed an assignment see Sven's comment for a minor correction . Since list has __iadd__ then it does this little bit 'o mutation..