

python Programming Glossary: counted

What is the difference between slice assignment that slices the whole list and direct assignment?


it is a literal as in your example it will be reference counted out of existence after the iteration is complete. share improve..

Project Euler 17


to error 9 because 110 210 ... 910 The number 20 is not counted you consider i 20 and i 20 but not i 20 . Contribution to error..

Counting python method calls within another method


Sounds like almost the textbook example for decorators def counted fn def wrapper args kwargs wrapper.called 1 return fn args kwargs.. 0 wrapper.__name__ fn.__name__ return wrapper @counted def foo return foo foo.called 1 You could even use another decorator..

What's an efficient way to find if a point lies in the convex hull of a point cloud?


intersects with XY. If the number of intersection you counted is even including 0 X is outside the hull. Otherwise X is inside..

Create a Pandas dataframe with counts of items spanning a date range


so for instance the 1st item in the 1st table would be counted 1 in month 4 and once in month 5 while the second item woul.. month 4 and once in month 5 while the second item woul be counted once in month 5 through month 9 etc..with the monthly total..

What is the purpose of the colon before a block in Python?


the work of syntax aware auto indenting editors which also counted in the decision. edit This question turns out to be a Python..

Python returning the wrong length of string when using special characters


and so on. The problem is that the first ë is being counted twice or I guess ë is in position 0 and ´ is in position 1...

How to correct bugs in this Damerau-Levenshtein implementation?


Each deletion insertion substitution and transposition is counted as one difference so the edit distance between ``abc`` and ``ab``..

Finding the nth prime number using Python


tested for primality is_composite 'not prime' # will be counted by prime_count prime_count 0 #count the number of primes while.. test_num 1 # starts with two tested for primality and counted if so x test_num 1 #denominator for prime equation while x 2..

App Engine: Is time.sleep() counting towards my quotas?


a time.sleep 3 . Now I'm wondering if calls like these are counted towards the quota limits that GAE provides. And if it does what..

Python: default comparison


address is just an implementation detail that cannot be counted upon. The only guarantee is that the ordering stays consistent..

High quality, simple random password generator


strong it could be defeated with a budget which will be counted in months and billions of dollars not mere millions . share..

Why is splitting a string slower in C++ than Python?


this question As a guess Python strings are reference counted immutable strings so that no strings are copied around in the..