

python Programming Glossary: correct

How to remove convexity defects in a Sudoku square?


points. e.g. given below Notice here that the green line correctly coincides with the true boundary of the Sudoku so the Sudoku.. with the true boundary of the Sudoku so the Sudoku can be correctly warped . Check next image warp the image to a perfect square.. of the Sudoku. My Question How can I warp the image on the correct boundary of the Sudoku i.e. the red line OR how can I remove..

Remove items from a list while iterating in Python


x for x in somelist if not determine x Brandon Corfman is correct you will lose reference to the original list unless you do it..

Python debugging tips


using pdb. For example if you find a mistake you can correct the code then type a type expression to have the same effect..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


numbers sum get_primes 2000000 142913828922L #That's the correct sum of all numbers below 2 million 529 in get_primes 1000 False.. 3035188#3035188 Input n 6 Returns a list of primes 2 p n correction n 6 1 n 0 n 1 n 1 2 n 4 3 n 3 4 n 2 5 n 1 n 6 sieve True.. k 2 k i 1 6 1 k 1 return 2 3 3 i 1 1 for i in xrange 1 n 3 correction if sieve i def sieve_wheel_30 N # http zerovolt.com p 88..

How do I fix PyDev “Undefined variable from import” errors?


even though the code runs without a problem. How can I correct these python code analysis pydev share improve this question..

proper name for python * operator? [closed]


name for python operator closed What is the correct name for operator as in function args unpack unzip something..

error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat


trick Python to use a newer Visual Studio by setting the correct path in VS90COMNTOOLS environment variable before calling setup.py..

Flattening a shallow list in Python


this a community wiki in case others want to add to or correct these observations. My original reduce statement is redundant.. mi.image_set.all for mi in list_of_menuitems This is the correct syntax for a nested list comprehension Brilliant summary dF..

Python/Tkinter: Interactively validating Entry widget content


textbox tkinter entry share improve this question The correct answer is use the validatecommand feature. The problem is this..

Open document with default application in Python


How to find the mime type of a file in python?


via a web page and have the client automatically open the correct application viewer. Assumption The browser figures out which..

How do I determine the size of an object in Python?


be any type of object. All built in objects will return correct results but this does not have to hold true for third party..

Setting the correct encoding when piping stdout in python


the correct encoding when piping stdout in python When piping the output..

What is the best way to remove accents in a python unicode string?


share improve this question Unidecode is the correct answer for this. It transliterates any unicode string into the..

Python list confusion


this question Your hunch about copying addresses is correct. Think about it like this sub_list 0 10 a_list sub_list 10 This..

What's the difference between list and tuples in Python?


there might be situations where it makes perfect sense to correct just the line number without replacing the whole tuple . There..

Recommendations of Python REST (web services) framework? [closed]


The service's logic is implemented only once and the correct representation selection Accept header dispatch to the proper..

Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV-Python


item to the one we gave. If lucky it recognises the correct digit. I included last two steps training and testing in single..

Correct way to implement a custom popup tkinter dialog box


way to implement a custom popup tkinter dialog box I just started..

How to check whether a sentence is correct (simple grammar check in Python)?


sentence is valid in Python Examples I love Stackoverflow Correct I Stackoverflow love Incorrect python nlp grammar share improve..

FFT-based 2D convolution and correlation in Python


'same' Out 3 array 13. 20. 17. 18. 24. 18. 13. 20. 17. Correct The STSCI version on the other hand requires some extra work..

NameError when using input()


of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew's assistant if answer Beaker print Correct else print Incorrect It is Beaker. However I only get Traceback.. of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew's assistant if answer Beaker print Correct input is equivalent to eval raw_input input raw_input Also you.. so with raw_input answer Beaker if answer Beaker print Correct And with input answer Beaker # raises NameError there's no variable..

Correct approach to validate attributes of an instance of class


approach to validate attributes of an instance of class Having..

Correct way to detect sequence parameter?


way to detect sequence parameter I want to write a function..

In Python, why doesn't exec work in a function with a subfunction?


keyword. python exec share improve this question Correct. You can't use exec in a function that has a subfunction unless..

Choosing between different switch-case replacements in Python - dictionary or if-elif-else?


. Use Polymorphism instead of type checking objects. Correct. If you have similar objects in multiple classes with variant..

Correct way to write line to file in Python


way to write line to file in Python I'm used to doing print..

We need to pickle any sort of callable


through a socket only the reference was transmitted. Correct me if I am wrong but I do not believe this issue is related..

Is Python interpreted or compiled or both?


by Executor another program for running the code . Correct me if my definitions are wrong Now coming back to python i am..

Matplotlib errors result in a memory leak. How can I free up that memory?


manifests itself after running the posted code many times. Correct If so the following avoids the problem without really identifying..

Correct way to define Python source code encoding


way to define Python source code encoding PEP 263 defines how..

Correct useage of getter/setter for dictionary values


useage of getter setter for dictionary values I'm pretty new..

Correct Style for Python Line breaks


Style for Python Line breaks I have some code like this. Should..

django-admin.py prints help only


ftype Python.File Python.File D Python27 python.exe 1 Correct I then looked in the registry and the values looked good as..

Correct Use Of Global Variables In Python 3


Use Of Global Variables In Python 3 Which is the correct use..