
python Programming Glossary: corresponds

Changing the output a bit


of points for each party. The order of the list elements corresponds to the order of the parties in PARTY_INDICES. This is my code..

Why accessing to class variable from within the class needs “self.” in Python? [duplicate]


Instead one simply defines a function whose first argument corresponds to the instance which by convention is named self. For example..

How to make python window run as “Always On Top”?


them at 0. The 0x0001 ignores these parameters. 0x0001 corresponds to SWP_NOSIZE and is my only uFlag. A list of all the available..

Fast interpolation of grid data


terms of the earlier RGB image case the first coordinate corresponds to the band the second to the row and the last to the column.. second to the row and the last to the column . What order corresponds to what depends entirely on how you decide to structure your..

Recreating Postgres COPY directly in Python?


to append to a Postgres table in this case each n tuple corresponds to a row in the DB. What I had been doing up to this point is..

What is a Python egg?


Python string decoding issue


displays ABCDE meaning that the utf 8 representation of A corresponds to the cp424 representation of i.e. the byte value 65 means..

Python - Find dominant/most common color in an image


it usually says the dominant colour is #d8c865 which corresponds roughly to the bright yellowish area to the lower left of the..

How to read a raw image using PIL?


a raw image using PIL I have a raw image where each pixel corresponds to a 16 bits unsigned integer. I am trying to read using the..

Converting a python numeric expression to LaTeX


creates the AST and walks it producing the latex math the corresponds to the AST nodes. What's there should give enough of an idea..

Non biased return a list of n random positive numbers (>=0) so that their sum == total_sum


coordinate along this axis is forced to be 1 sqrt 3 which corresponds to the point 1 3 1 3 1 3 . The other two components are in directions..

Creating a python dictionary from a line of text


create a generalized version I'll call grouper which again corresponds to a similarly named but functionally different itertools recipe..

List files in a folder as a stream to begin process immediately


class c_dir Structure Opaque type for directory entries corresponds to struct DIR pass c_dir_p POINTER c_dir class c_dirent Structure..

Code Golf: Finite-state machine! [closed]


between the current state and another state which corresponds to the letter the current state is changed to the new state...

Are there any radix/patricia/critbit trees for Python?


the next entry which occurs after the given entry. This corresponds to Judy1N and the similar entries for other Judy arrays. This..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


to generate an array like 0 1 2 1 2 3 2 3 4 ... which corresponds to the top row of the filter kernel. Roll along the vertical..

Using a Django variable in a CSS file


example.png' Where http static.example.com corresponds to the STATIC_URL variable in Python. Using the Django templating..

Most efficient method to get key for a value in a dict


can have the best implementation for finding the key that corresponds to a value. Something equivalent to def find_key dic val for..