php Programming Glossary: password_verify
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? password PASSWORD_BCRYPT 'cost' 13 And verifying if password_verify given_password db_hash password valid See also password_hash..
How to automatically generate salt for crypt method with blowfish . PHP 5.5 will have it's own functions password_hash and password_verify ready to simplify this task. There is also a compatibility pack..
How to continuously keep the number of bcrypt rounds relevant to the current year's hardware? you use today and it tells you if you need to rehash it if password_verify password hash if password_needs_rehash hash PASSWORD_BCRYPT..
How to hash long passwords (>72 characters) with blowfish input substr password 0 72 var_dump input var_dump password_verify input hash The output is string 119 Wow. This is a super secret.. 72 input_peppered hash_hmac 'sha256' input pepper var_dump password_verify input_peppered hash This is based on this question password_verify.. input_peppered hash This is based on this question password_verify return false . The Question What is the safer way Getting an..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? provided password against an existing hash you may use the password_verify as such php See the password_hash example to see where this.. BCryptRequires22Chrcte VlQH0piJtjXl.0t1XkA8pw9dMXTpOq' if password_verify 'rasmuslerdorf' hash echo 'Password is valid ' else echo 'Invalid..