php Programming Glossary: password
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select boolean given.. This is my code username _POST 'username' password _POST 'password' result mysql_query 'SELECT FROM Users WHERE.. This is my code username _POST 'username' password _POST 'password' result mysql_query 'SELECT FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE username'.. them. username mysql_real_escape_string _POST 'username' password _POST 'password' result mysql_query SELECT FROM Users WHERE..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords hash and salt for PHP passwords It is currently said that MD5 is partially unsafe. Taking.. consideration I'd like to know which mechanism to use for password protection. This question Is œdouble hashing a password less.. for password protection. This question Is œdouble hashing a password less secure than just hashing it once suggests that hashing..
php soap client for uk mail webservice api? Username 'xxx cant show here xxx' LoginWebRequest Password 'xxx cant show here xxx' echo pre print_r LoginWebRequest pre.. thir UserName thir UserName thir Password 123 thir Password thir Token thir Token thir ConsignmentNumber.. UserName thir UserName thir Password 123 thir Password thir Token thir Token thir ConsignmentNumber 01161 thir ConsignmentNumber..
How to encrypt/decrypt data in php? a table consists of these fields UserID Fname Lname Email Password What I want to have is have the all fields encrypted and then.. with your table definition UserID Fname Lname Email # Password IV Here are the changes The fields marked with as asterisk Fname.. encrypted using a symmetric cipher provided by Mcrypt The Password field will be hashed using a one way password hash effected..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? assuming MySQL DB for this question ' SELECT UserName '_' Password FROM Users LIMIT 1 ' A prepared statement will make sure that..
Many hash iterations: append salt every time? Proposal SecurityFocus blog on hashing A paper on Oracle's Password Hashing Algorithms And a few more links PBKDF2 on WikiPedia..
PHP mail using Gmail Email Address your email address Password your Gmail password You can probably set these settings up in..
PHP (MySQL) error : “Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource” [duplicate] SEND MAIL FORM to email_to subject Your Account Password Request Cosmos header from Tayal's Cosmos messages..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords What's the difference between SHA and MD5 in PHP Simple Password Encryption Secure methods of storing keys passwords for memorable we insert patterns ”which reduces entropy. Oops Password entropy is approximated easily. Using the full range of ascii..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? two ways. If it could be encrypted it can be decrypted. Passwords need a one way hashing function. Could anyone explain php.. salt rounds and key password . Source Using PHP 5.5 DEV Password hashing functions have now been built directly into PHP 5.5.. if password_verify 'rasmuslerdorf' hash echo 'Password is valid ' else echo 'Invalid password.' Using PHP 5.3.7 5.5..
PHP 5.4 PDO could not connect to MySQL 4.1+ using the old insecure authentication update was successful. The profile has been updated. SET PASSWORD PASSWORD ' ' However when I perform this query SELECT @@global.old_passwords.. was successful. The profile has been updated. SET PASSWORD PASSWORD ' ' However when I perform this query SELECT @@global.old_passwords.. @@global.old_passwords @@session.old_passwords Length PASSWORD 'abc' It tells me the password length is still 16. Output 1..
file_get_contents behind a proxy? add a couple of lines like this auth base64_encode 'LOGIN PASSWORD' aContext array 'http' array 'proxy' 'tcp 3128'.. Same thing about IP and Port and this time also LOGIN and PASSWORD Now you are passing an Proxy Authorization header to the proxy..
Cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication tools of the MySQL front end if there are any or SET PASSWORD FOR 'User'@'Host' PASSWORD 'yourpassword' FLUSH Privileges replace.. end if there are any or SET PASSWORD FOR 'User'@'Host' PASSWORD 'yourpassword' FLUSH Privileges replace User and Host with the..
Mysql password hashing method old vs new @@global.old_passwords @@session.old_passwords Length PASSWORD 'abc' @@global.old_passwords @@session.old_passwords Length.. @@global.old_passwords @@session.old_passwords Length PASSWORD 'abc' 1 0 41 1 row in set 0.00 sec The obvious.. do that and they wont give it to me if I run the query SET PASSWORD FOR 'nodari'@'HOSTNAME' PASSWORD 'new password' I get the error..
Login to Google with PHP and Curl, Cookie turned off? value being the field value. php USERNAME '' PASSWORD 'yourpassword' COOKIEFILE 'cookies.txt' ch curl_init curl_setopt.. data formFields 'Email' USERNAME formFields 'Passwd' PASSWORD unset formFields 'PersistentCookie' post_string '' foreach formFields..
HTML2PDF in PHP - convert utilities & scripts - examples & demos first argument is the permissions . The second is the USER PASSWORD if you provide this then the docs will require a password to.. to open I left this blank . The third is the OWNER PASSWORD this is what you need to make the docs secured against editing..