php Programming Glossary: passwd
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in could redirect the script to something like file etc passwd and mess with things around. To prevent this whenever open_basedir..
Is it possible to have a PHP script authenticate users with their Linux user info? do it the direct way and have PHP read in and process etc passwd etc shadow and etc group php linux authentication login share..
PHP example for PayPal Adaptive Payments ConvertCurrency API SDK. Assuming you have the necessary info. API username passwd etc to make requests to the API it can be done as follows php..
How to log into joomla through an external script? php http script script.php username username passwd password define '_JEXEC' 1 define 'JPATH_BASE' '.. ' define.. 'username' credentials 'password' JRequest getVar 'passwd' '' 'method' 'passwd' perform the login action error mainframe.. 'password' JRequest getVar 'passwd' '' 'method' 'passwd' perform the login action error mainframe login credentials..
Is it really not possible to write a php cli password prompt that hides the password in windows? php pwObj new Com 'ScriptPW.Password' print Password passwd pwObj getPassword echo Your password is passwd n share improve..
How much the honey pot practice is efficently against spam? text name u email Choose a password input type text name passwd div class hideme Please leave this field blank input type text..
Configure mail server to work with PHP mailmsg Hello This is a test. SMTP server name port user passwd smtpinfo host smtpinfo port 25 smtpinfo auth true..
Updating a MySql database using PHP via an onClick javascript function q _GET q include con mysqli_connect host user passwd dbname or die Query died connection sql UPDATE `temp` SET `tempScore`..
How to check if user uploaded a file in PHP? files upon which it should not be working for instance etc passwd. This sort of check is especially important if there is any..
MySQL INTO OUTFILE overide existing file? file which among other things prevents files such as etc passwd and database tables from being destroyed. It might be a better..