php Programming Glossary: partner
Is there any difference between 'print' and 'echo' in PHP? [duplicate] expression is not valid. This would be valid echo howdy partner the same as echo howdy partner Putting the brackets in that.. would be valid echo howdy partner the same as echo howdy partner Putting the brackets in that simple example serves no purpose..
Why SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error? is a code to register the head of a group and then his partner s . session_start require_once 'db.php' db new DB db newHead.. t_head where h_email ' email' else query SELECT FROM t_partner where p_email ' email' return this query query public function.. hId fname lname day month year email query INSERT INTO t_partner p_headid p_fname p_lname p_day p_month p_year p_email VALUES..
Get raw post data But you can hack around it. I hit a similar problem a partner was sending incorrectly formatted data as multipart form data.. a better or in fact any other solution short of asking the partner to fix their side. NB When you do what I described here _FILES..
Helping using JSON for an API Ordinality Datatype Description pid 1 string This is your partner ID as provided by us to access the API. apiKey 1 string This..
How can I create a new Joomla user account from within a script? a script We're creating an XML API for Joomla that allows partner sites to create new accounts for their users on our website...
How are echo and print different in PHP? [duplicate] expression is not valid. This would be valid echo howdy partner the same as echo howdy partner Putting the brackets in that.. would be valid echo howdy partner the same as echo howdy partner Putting the brackets in that simple example serves no purpose..
PHP fsockopen to curl conversion request webregistration.aspx taskaction serviceresponse partner 157 subid . subid . msisdn . msisdn . type TEXT data . data..
Facebook friends email FQL it even possible to get friends email I tested with my partner she gave permission to the app to give out email address. php..
Conversion from Simplified to Traditional Chinese your English version if you have an actual subsidiary or partner in China the staff may be arrested solely on the basis of subversive..
Can IP change during session? likely shares the same public IP what if you and your partner both visit the same site How can the server tell the two of..