php Programming Glossary: linklabel
mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given menu and gather page data here sqlCommand SELECT id linklabel FROM pages ORDER BY pageorder ASC query mysqli_query myConnection.. '' while row mysqli_fetch_array query pid row id linklabel row linklabel menuDisplay . ' a href index.php pid ' . pid ... row mysqli_fetch_array query pid row id linklabel row linklabel menuDisplay . ' a href index.php pid ' . pid . ' ' . linklabel..
Error on line 14, php curl dom search n html_entity_decode var Strip out javascript linklabel array link array dom new DOMDocument var @ dom loadHTML var.. the DOM nodes foreach xpath find 'a' as element array_push linklabel element innerText print linklabel array_push link element href.. as element array_push linklabel element innerText print linklabel array_push link element href print link.' br ' function fread_url..