php Programming Glossary: limiting
limiting the checking condition while uploading swf files the checking condition while uploading swf files i am creating..
multi image upload wrong quantity on file-upload this question Your code is very similar to my answer at limiting the checking condition while uploading swf files This is how..
Retrieve partial web page partial web page Is there any way of limiting the amount of data CURL will fetch I'm screen scraping data..
dynamic drop down box? use that passed in variable in your mysql query thereby limiting your results. These results are then passed back to the AJAX..
How to add scraped website data in database? want to be scraped by search engines Always do some rate limiting otherwise this happens . On my development laptop through a..
limiting number of times a loop runs in php number of times a loop runs in php I have a foreach loop that..
How can I implement OCR on a website using PHP? [closed]
Sanitizing strings to make them URL and filename safe? e.g. é e and replace non a z characters with ' ' limiting to runs of a single ' ' as you've done. There's an implementation..
Why is PHP apt for high-traffic websites? ... PHP if properly written can be quite scalable. The limiting factors are typically in your database engine. And that's going..
PHP: Creating Extensible CMS System will be driven by your end users. Smarty is incredibly limiting but if you want to make sure that only approved code runs in..
Using the Data Mapper Pattern, Should the Entities (Domain Objects) know about the Mapper? a User with many Messages how can the User entity provide limiting and pagination for the collection without actually proxying..
str_replace() on multibyte strings dangerous? in this scenario. When you DON'T have the option of limiting charset to UTF 8 yes that'd be nice it seems like you are really..
How to efficiently find the closest locations nearby a given location bounding box in PHP minLat maxLat minLong and maxLong and limiting the rows to a subset of your entries based on that WHERE latitude..
distance calculations in mysql queries bounding box in PHP minLat maxLat minLong and maxLong and limiting the rows to a subset of your entries based on that WHERE latitude..
Why is this Twitter API script failing? why. This is the status code will be returned during rate limiting. Here is twitter's page on Rate Limiting . I suspect that this..
Multiple excerpt lengths in wordpress php echo excerpt 25 from http tutorials limiting the number of words in your excerpt or content in wordpress..
How to sort a 'query_posts' function by custom field, while limiting posts by another custom field to sort a 'query_posts' function by custom field while limiting posts by another custom field I'm querying a series of posts..
PHP global in functions or _POST . If your code relies on input from these you are limiting yourself to a web environment. Just abstract the request into..
RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error how to avoid a stack overflow segmentation fault by limiting the recursion depth to a safe value roughly equal to the stack..
How to create a random string using PHP? string 9 chars string 'abcdefghi' Example random string limiting to 6 chars string 'ibfeca' UPDATE I have found tons of these..
PHP- Curl Download Bandwidth Limiting Curl Download Bandwidth Limiting Hey guys I have been trying to limit the bandwidth with PHP...
Best solution to protect PHP code without encryption about coding. Some parts of a EULA that come to mind Limiting your liability if the product has bugs or causes damage. Spelling..
Would Singleton be a good design pattern for a microblogging site? global access. Both are things you dont want or need. Limiting your instance to one instance is rather pointless in PHP where..
Why is this Twitter API script failing? during rate limiting. Here is twitter's page on Rate Limiting . I suspect that this is your culprit. If you think otherwise..
Limiting the number of failed login attemps the number of failed login attemps I want to limit the failed..
Limiting user login attempts in PHP user login attempts in PHP I've seen web apps with limitations..
PHP: Limiting Parallel/Simultaneous Downloads - How to know if download was cancelled? Limiting Parallel Simultaneous Downloads How to know if download was..