

php Programming Glossary: limiter

Is there a good implementation of partial file downloading in PHP?


be modified set_magic_quotes_runtime 0 do not send cache limiter header ini_set 'session.cache_limiter' 'none' filename 'myfile.pdf'.. 0 do not send cache limiter header ini_set 'session.cache_limiter' 'none' filename 'myfile.pdf' this is the PDF file that will..

PHP headers already sent error [duplicate]


function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent error even though the first line of my..

Date Range Query MySQL


between two datetime fields that uses todays date as a limiter Thanks php datetime mysql date range share improve this question..

How to remove extension from string (only real extension!)


just remove part of the string with . . They use dot for limiter and just cut string. Look at these scripts from preg_replace..

Simple “Long Polling” example code?


the wait. The 1 second setTimeout is a really basic rate limiter it works fine without this but if msgsrv.php always returns..

PHP headers already sent problem [duplicate]


function.session register Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent output started at home content 49 5712349..

Limit download speed using PHP


60 seconds to download 5MB at 80KB s. Most of those speed limiter scripts use sleep to pause for a while after sending a chunk..

PHP buffer why \r\n


session_start it throws an error Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent . php header output buffering share..

“Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent” when calling session_start() first in file [duplicate]


function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent by output started at ... test.php 1 in.....

PHP session_start() error? [duplicate]


function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent output started at home kapip public_html..

PHP Error “Cannot Send Session Cache Limiter - Headers Already Sent …” [duplicate]


function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent output started at home content t a t brians..

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter


function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter I have a problem with Session_start here Warning session_start.. function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent output started at C xampp htdocs pages..

PHP session start “Cannot send session cookie and cache limiter”


session start &ldquo Cannot send session cookie and cache limiter&rdquo I've changed my hosting server from a Windows to a Linux.. function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent output started at home content p y c francis..

“Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent” [duplicate]


Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent&rdquo duplicate Possible Duplicate PHP.. function.session start Cannot send session cache limiter headers already sent output started at ............ on line..