php Programming Glossary: like
Reference - What does this error mean in PHP? adding to and maintaining this list. Why is this Questions like Headers already sent or Calling a member of a non object pop.. the script. A typical example would be a template file like this html php session_start head title My Page title html .....
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? technical reasons that I shouldn't use mysql_ functions like mysql_query mysql_connect or mysql_real_escape_string Why should.. pdo_ real_escape_string and so on... Your code will work alike and still mostly look the same include_once pdo_mysql.php pdo_connect.. want to simplify your database interaction further mappers like Paris Idiorm are worth a try. Just like nobody uses the bland..
Using a regular expression to validate an email address and that will even parse as legal but it isn ™t likely to be the person at the other end. For PHP you should not.. This allows for a potentially more pleasing experience like The specified e mail address 'myemail@address com' is invalid...
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? stream and stopping at each node on the way. XMLReader like DOM is based on libxml. I am not aware of how to trigger the.. tuned for server side use. FluentDom FluentDOM is a jQuery like fluent XML interface for the DOMDocument in PHP. fDOMDocument.. HTML. Find tags on an HTML page with selectors just like jQuery. Extract contents from HTML in a single line. I generally..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” I am running a PHP script and keep getting errors like Undefined variable user_location in C wamp www mypath index.php.. in C wamp www mypath index.php on line 12 Line 12 looks like this greeting Hello . user_name. from . user_location What do..
Headers already sent by PHP When running my script I am getting several errors looking like this Warning Cannot modify header information headers already.. print echo and other functions producing output like var_dump Raw html areas before php code. Why does it happen.. SINGLE space newline before Which already seals it. It can likewise occur for appended scripts or script sections php PHP actually..
Warning: mysql_fetch_* expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given error [duplicate] result mysql_query 'SELECT FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE username' while row mysql_fetch_array result echo row 'FirstName'.. result mysql_query SELECT FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE ' username' if result FALSE die mysql_error TODO better error..
MySQL check if a table exists without throwing an exception I do not feel like parsing the results of SHOW TABLES LIKE et cetera. There must be some sort of boolean query php mysql.. pretty straight forward result mysql_query SHOW TABLES LIKE 'myTable' tableExists mysql_num_rows result 0 share improve..
Cannot connect to MySQL 4.1+ using old authentication old vs new First check with the SQL query SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'old_passwords' in the MySQL command line client HeidiSQL or..
Reference - frequently asked questions about PDO [closed] message from PDO How can I use prepared statements with LIKE operator How can I create a prepared statement for IN operator..
mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in select result mysql_query 'SELECT FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE username' while row mysql_fetch_array result echo row 'FirstName'.. result mysql_query SELECT FROM Users WHERE UserName LIKE ' username' if result FALSE die mysql_error TODO better error..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? Looking for the advice of experts. EDIT Also what about LIKE SQL attacks php mysql security share improve this question.. table names column names and especially not LIMIT fields. LIKE exploits LIKE data where data could be which would return ALL.. names and especially not LIMIT fields. LIKE exploits LIKE data where data could be which would return ALL records .....
Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now SELECT ARTICLE_NO FROM AUCTIONS WHERE upper ARTICLE_NAME LIKE if numRecords con prepare countQuery numRecords bind_param s.. d m Y' AS shortDate FROM AUCTIONS WHERE upper ARTICLE_NAME LIKE ' ' ORDER BY str_to_date ACCESSSTARTS ' d m Y k i s' . max if.. if I just select instead of trying to limit based on a LIKE clause I still get the command out of sync error. php sql mysql..
How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page? Box How to detect if user already liked the page Facebook LIKE button hiding when page is already LIKED by user How to check.. the page Facebook LIKE button hiding when page is already LIKED by user How to check whether user has liked the page or not..
when is eval evil in php? result of an SQL statement e.g. SHOW COLUMNS FROM a_table LIKE 'a_column' hence you can be pretty sure about the consistency..
Generating a single Entity from existing database using symfony2 and doctrine console doctrine generate entities AppMyBundle no backup Like this doctrine will load only the entity you need. Just be carefull..
Are global variables in PHP considered bad practice? If so, why? language by sticking object models on top of everything. Like anything else use global variables procedural code a particular..
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent, Why its happening [duplicate] Possible Duplicate Headers already sent by PHP I Like to call the page using header but the following error occurs..
PHP: How to generate a random, unique, alphanumeric string? string using numbers and letters for use in a verify link Like when you create an account on a website and it sends you an..
How is the PHP array implemented on the C level? are much slower than you'd think at first glance. Like in the case of array_rand on a very large array 10000 . array_rand..
How do I set ORDER BY params using prepared PDO statement? correctly Am I stuck inserting it directly in the SQL Like so order 'columnName' direction 'ASC' stmt db prepare SELECT..
setcookie, Cannot modify header information - headers already sent [duplicate] cookie to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers. Like other headers cookies must be sent before any output from your..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position nodeB between As and Cs In PHP preferably via SimpleXML Like root nodeA nodeA nodeA nodeB nodeC nodeC nodeC root php xml..
PHP - Send cookie with file_get_contents My question is 'how do you send more than one cookie ' Like #1 or #2 or what #1 Cookie user 3345 pass abcd r n #2 Cookie..
Browser displays ï¿?instead of ´ equiv Content Type content text html charset your charset Like the attribute name suggests http equiv is the equivalent of.. in case the corresponding http headers are not set. EDIT1 Like Hannes already suggested in the comments to the question you..
How to properly handle session and access token with Facebook PHP SDK 3.0? However I don't know if that really effects my problem. Like in this question's answer I am retrieving the access token of..
Can I store images in MySQL [duplicate] and store references to the images in the database. Like store the path to the image in the database or the image name..
reconstruct/get code of php function Can I programmatically get a code of function by it's name Like function blah a b return a b echo getFunctionCode blah is it..
How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page? to facebook and then check if he liked a page Facebook Like Box How to detect if user already liked the page Facebook LIKE..
Are there pointers in php? 3 There are many built in functions that behave like this. Like the sort function that sorts an array will affect directly on..
Get PHP class property by string get magic obj 'Name' php share improve this question Like this php prop 'Name' echo obj prop Or if you have control over..
php/MySQL insert row then get 'id' do don't insert and then do a SELECT MAX id FROM mytable . Like you say it's a race condition and there's no need. mysql_insert_id..
Doing a while / loop to get 10 random results it grabs only one. because i don't know how to do a while Like so sql SELECT tagname FROM tags ORDER BY rand LIMIT 10 result..