php Programming Glossary: literal
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? instead of double. MySQL also expects DATE and DATETIME literal values to be single quoted as strings like '2001 01 01 00 00..
how safe are PDO prepared statements know a query parameter only takes the place of a single literal value in an SQL expression. You can't make a single parameter..
Are PDO prepared statements sufficient to prevent SQL injection? is when a value stored in a database is then used as a literal in a query. This isn't the best example because it could still.. But if later on the name is retrieved and then used as a literal in another query you'll get to see someone else's password...
PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed] and makes it difficult to follow. All markup should be literal markup in the PHP file not hidden within a string. Proper use..
Curly braces in string in PHP recognised when the immediately follows the . Use to get a literal . Some examples to make it clear php Show all errors error_reporting..
Simplify PHP DOM XML parsing - how? Will output bar1 and bar2 XPath on the other hand is literal about the attributes which means you can query the DOM for the..
What is the difference between single-quoted and double-quoted strings in PHP? not be interpreted. The exception is that to display a literal single quote you can escape it with a back slash ' and to display..
Escaping MySQL wild cards for the purposes of putting them into normal string literals. mysql_real_escape_string is correct and sufficient for this.. of LIKE matching. When you want to prepare strings for literal use in a LIKE statement so that 100 matches one hundred percent.. takes place entirely inside SQL and if you want to turn a literal string into an literal LIKE expression you must perform this..
MySQL Insert into multiple tables? (Database normalization?) to retrieve the LAST_INSERT_ID either by executing that literal statement in MySQL or using for example php's mysql_insert_id..
Compiling an AST back to source code of details you need to manage For AST nodes representing literals you have to regenerate the literal value. This is harder than.. AST nodes representing literals you have to regenerate the literal value. This is harder than it looks if you want the answer to.. hate it when you damage the value of Pi . For string literals you have to regenerate the quotes and the string literal content..
PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode? is the encoding described in » RFC 3986 for protecting literal characters from being interpreted as special URL delimiters..