php Programming Glossary: listidentifiers
Generating a drop down list of timezones with PHP and do this to generate your list. tzlist DateTimeZone listIdentifiers DateTimeZone ALL Also I would use PHP's names for the 'timezones'..
Country to timezones in PHP/Zend Framework but native PHP can do that as of PHP5.3 with DateTimeZone listIdentifiers Returns numerically index array with all timezone identifiers.. with all timezone identifiers Example print_r DateTimeZone listIdentifiers DateTimeZone PER_COUNTRY 'US' outputs Array 0 America Adak 1..
How to find GMT date/time by country name? You can search the timezones by country with DateTimeZone listIdentifiers . Example to get the timezones in Portugal print_r DateTimeZone.. to get the timezones in Portugal print_r DateTimeZone listIdentifiers DateTimeZone PER_COUNTRY PT gives Array 0 Atlantic Azores 1..
PHP Timezone List list DateTimeZone listAbbreviations idents DateTimeZone listIdentifiers data offset added array foreach list as abbr info foreach info.. PACIFIC foreach regions as name mask tzlist DateTimeZone listIdentifiers mask This just gets the identifiers I want a friendly display..
PHP, MySQL and Time Zones DateTime 'now' new DateTimeZone 'UTC' foreach DateTimeZone listIdentifiers as tz dt setTimeZone new DateTimeZone tz echo tz ' ' dt format.. 'UTC' dt new DateTime 'now' utc foreach DateTimeZone listIdentifiers as tz local new DateTimeZone tz dt setTimeZone local offset..
How to check is timezone identifier valid from code? in array returned by this function alias of DateTimeZone listIdentifiers . At first sight that was exactly what I was looking for. function..
Best way to populate a <SELECT> box with TimeZones utc echo ' select name userTimeZone ' foreach DateTimeZone listIdentifiers as tz current_tz new DateTimeZone tz offset current_tz getOffset..