php Programming Glossary: limitations
Error logging, in a smooth way error methods within PHP. Unfortunately error_log has some limitations as you found out. This is a long answer read on to find out..
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? a hard time finding reliable sources on what the exact limitations of the service layer should be. For this example assume we're..
Shortcomings of mysql_real_escape_string? can only execute one query Edit I am interested in the limitations of mysql_real_escape_string and not comparing it to alternatives..
Redefine Class Methods or Class or anything else because of framework limitations. For my purposes would it be possible to just add a function..
Tell bots apart from human visitors for stats? table of bots by ip address possibly with timestamp limitations. Add anything that follows your invisible link add anything..
Do you have health checks in your web app or web site? [closed] language specific. And then yet to combine those limitations with frontend testing. The tool should then have to support..
Threads in PHP and is an experiment with pretty good results. Any of its limitations or features may change at any time ... EDIT No threads in PHP..
What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page? be generated by origin servers only. Not observing these limitations has significant security consequences. 10.3.7 306 Unused The..
Why don't PHP attributes allow functions? implement this functionality but there are definitely some limitations in the way that things are currently done. Though my knowledge..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation I don't think it is properly normalized and because of limitations in my knowledge of relational database theory and mysql. I would..
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM of a spreadsheet and is susceptible to PHP memory limitations. The physical size of the file is largely irrelevant... it's..
Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application? very fast. But by the time you start hitting the ORM's limitations and problems you are already completely invested in the use..
php / Mysql best tree structure contain about 300 nodes inside it. The tree has no depth limitations. So it can have 3 or 15 levels. Each node can have an unlimited..
Is there anything like CoffeeScript for PHP? compatibility with older browsers. PHP suffers no such limitations as anyone who's transitioned their code from PHP4 to PHP5 can..
Limiting user login attempts in PHP user login attempts in PHP I've seen web apps with limitations for user login attempts. Is it a security necessity and if so..
Header in PDF page using DOMPDF in PHP HTML CSS to generate headers and footers. There are a few limitations when compared to using inline PHP e.g. no PAGE_COUNT placeholder..
RedBean ORM performance complex problems. You will start to hack around some limitations and eventually you may end up with problems which just cannot..
Replacing mysql_* functions with PDO and prepared statements delimiters . From this definition you can conclude it's limitations it works only for strings . however it is still vulnerable to.. of the source. Got the point Now I hope you understand the limitations of escaping as well as the dangerous characters misconception...
Does RabbitMQ call the callback function for a consumer when it has some message for it? have support for basic.consume but because of inherent limitations of the frameworks used some don't most notably the official..