php Programming Glossary: liking
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? new one New Quote a This you can obviously adjust to your liking but for the sake of this example this is what we're going with...
HTML PHP Progress Bar setup for the progress bar You can modify this to your liking for visual purposes function create_progress First create our..
Commitment to Zend Framework - any arguments against? to change the basic structure of the CMS and ended up with liking Zend Framework the best. They offer a solid MVC model but don't..
I have 2 dates in PHP, how can I run a foreach loop to go through all of those days? the 10th set end to 11th. You can adjust format to your liking. See the PHP Manuel for DatePeriod . share improve this answer..
Best way to suppress php errors on production servers
Facebook graph api - delete like where item_id is replaced by the ID of the object you're liking unliking. To find out what the current user has liked so you.. is replaced by the ID of the object you're liking unliking. To find out what the current user has liked so you can delete..
Bulletin board - Database optimisation of a social aspect in the orgainsation and I think liking and disliking agreeing and dissagreeing creates a level of controversy.. aspect in the orgainsation and I think liking and disliking agreeing and dissagreeing creates a level of controversy that.. of controversy that encourages participation. However liking or disliking a bulletin may not always be entirely appropriate...
Like posts over Facebook graph api facebook documentation And all these requests or commands liking ones comments have I not yet tried are putting me back a JSON..
preg_match(); - Unknown modifier '+' and the period but I can't seem to figure out why it isn't liking the ' '. Any ideas Thanks php xml parsing rss share improve..
Problem printing MSSQL datetime to html using PHP (sqlsrv extension) extension returns DateTime objects. Just format it to your liking if is_null row k echo row k format 'r' In the procedural interface..
Creating a kml file from a mysql database with php have from google and it looks a bit too...detailed for my liking. Any ideas how to simplify the code so that I can get my variables..
Perfect Hash Function for Human Readable Order Codes of say base34 encoding a md5 order_id is too long for my liking. php encoding hash share improve this question In my example..