php Programming Glossary: limits
Changing upload_max_filesize on PHP
google map info window multiple addresses via xml you will have a problem with the geocoder quota rate limits particularly since your code doesn't look at the return status..
How to enable DDoS protection? are time synchronized using ntp . Sensible constraints and limits in your application . For example you might Use a QoS feature.. you are under attack you can set aggressive temporary limits in place 'throttling' the attack such as only one session per.. ID if present Log important HTTP arguments Sensible rate limits You might implement limits on how many requests a given IP or..
How can I relax PHP's open_basedir restriction? can I relax PHP's open_basedir restriction open_basedir limits the files that can be opened by PHP within a directory tree...
Finding the PHP File (at run time) where a Class was Defined However modifying the existing __autoload is off limits in the situation I have in mind. Hearing about extensions that..
Upload 1GB files using chunking in PHP in PHP. Increasing browser client_post limits or php.ini upload or max_execution times is not really a solution..
sending mail with php & escaping hotmails junk folder mails per minute to other domains have other limits B.t.w we use PHPMailer to compose our messages no problem at..
How do you implement pagination in PHP? On the back end the page value usually corresponds to the limits and offsets in the query that is being used to generate the..
Taking website screenshot, server-side, on a Linux rented server, free are a lot of services that do this but they usually have limits or watermarks or you have to wait for your screenshot to be..
How to handle diacritics (accents) when rewriting 'pretty URLs' in your opinion is the most desirable result. within tech limits How to technically solve it. reach the desired result with PHP...
PHPExcel runs out of 256, 512 and also 1024MB of RAM startRow 65536 startRow chunkSize Tell the Read Filter the limits on which rows we want to read this iteration chunkFilter setRows..
php, file download to deal with big files are ok. execution times memory limits ... php file header download share improve this question..
MySQL Great Circle Distance (Haversine formula) is less than 25 orders the whole query by distance and limits it to 20 results. To search by kilometers instead of miles replace..
How to identify web-crawler? is to setup a directory which you specifically mark as off limits in your robots.txt file so any robot that is polite will not.. file see all the directories which you've marked as off limits and STILL ignore your politeness settings such as crawl rate.. search engine. Self Destructive Yet another way to limits what bots can crawl on your website is to serve CAPTCHAs or..
Solution for “Fatal error: Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting!” in PHP the 100 iterations but you will eventually hit the memory limits. Is there a way to increase the maximum function nesting level..