php Programming Glossary: liner
Convert UTC offset to timezone or date of timezone names or any complicated code. Here is a 5 liner php timezone ' 0 00' timezone preg_replace ' ^0 9 ' '' timezone..
How to increase by 1 all keys in an array? of course. And this is most untrivial yet both a one liner AND working for both dense and sparse arrays way arr array_flip..
PHP: Access Array Value on the Fly ... but i can not seem to be able to do this in a one liner. c.f. example the following results in an error echo array 'a'..
Is there an implementable (non-theoretical) way to prove if email address belong to real email account? 1 minute later. An ideal solution would be a bash one liner that could be called with every major language . What i have.. by the average coder in PHP or Java. A bash one liner or a php java library that does exactly this. Free or commercial...
Get parent directory of running script slashes properly inserted. What would you suggest A one liner is preferred. EDIT I need to get a path relative to the www..
Removing array item by value this question It can be accomplished with a simple one liner. Having this array arr array 'nice_item' 'remove_me' 'another_liked_item'..
Find all files with Blank or WS at BOF or EOF the lines for readability but you can run it as a one liner too. example output blank line at the head of . b blank line..
PHP Templating than using the code from the function it is only a one liner in my code rather than using the function Thanks Ross P.s. I..
How to get string from HTML with regex? DOMText echo child nodeValue Yes it's not a funky one liner but it's also much less of a headache and gives you solid control..
Help Using RegexIterator in PHP of issues though it is quick to implement being just a one liner though the regex might be a pain to decipher . 2. Less quick..
Is there a PHP function for swapping the values of two variables? There's no function I know of but there is a one liner courtesy of Pete Graham list a b array b a not sure whether..
Regular expression - any text to URL friendly one ' str preg_replace ' ^a z0 9 ' ' ' str Or in a compact one liner str strtolower trim preg_replace ' ^a zA Z0 9 ' ' ' str ' '..
Regex for dropping http:// and www. from URLs you don't even need the loop. You can do this with a one liner urls preg_replace ' https www . . i' ' 1' urls share improve..
Batch script to replace PHP short open tags with <?php to Uppercase Maybe I'm wrong. Or maybe this could be a one liner Thank you for your help. php sed find awk share improve this..
PHP: Delete first four lines from the top in content stored in a variable this in many parts of your application. The original one liner is clear enough I think and anyone stumbling upon str_chop_lines..
Convert JPG/GIF image to PNG in PHP? just need imagepng then. In fact it almost becomes a one liner imagepng imagecreatefromstring file_get_contents filename output.png..
Implode array with “, ” and add “and ” before last item do it php arrays share improve this question A long liner that works with any number of items echo join ' and ' array_filter..
Delete duplicate records without creating a temporary table this question Here's an in place solution but not one liner Find out max id select max id as maxid from shop Remember this..