php Programming Glossary: into
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? code. Often string variables aren't just interpolated into SQL but concatenated with escaping calls in between. pdo_query.. statements differ When you scramble string variables into the SQL queries it doesn't just get more intricate for you to.. and data again. SQL injections simply are when data bleeds into code context. A database server can't later spot where PHP originally..
Reference: Why does the PHP (or other server side) code in my Javascript not work? php echo 42 alert baz script Why does this not write bar into my text file but alerts 42 php javascript share improve this.. share improve this question Your code is split into two entirely separate parts the server side and the client side.. call did not result in anything it just wrote foo into a file. The php echo 42 call resulted in the output 42 which..
Robust and Mature HTML Parser for PHP [duplicate] to use it you can be sure most of the issues you run into can be solved by searching browsing Stack Overflow. XMLReader..
How do you parse and process HTML/XML in PHP? to use it you can be sure most of the issues you run into can be solved by searching browsing Stack Overflow. XMLReader..
Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords currently said that MD5 is partially unsafe. Taking this into consideration I'd like to know which mechanism to use for password..
PHP: “Notice: Undefined variable” and “Notice: Undefined index” variable is problematic in the case of including one file into another which uses the same variable name. It is also a major..
How do you use bcrypt for hashing passwords in PHP? Password hashing functions have now been built directly into PHP 5.5 . You may now use password_hash to create a bcrypt hash..
How should a model be structured in MVC? avoid them but at the penalty of leaking some domain logic into Controllers . There is a related answer to this subject in the..
How can I convert ereg expressions to preg in PHP? eregi '^hello world' How can I translate expressions into preg_match compatible expressions Note This post serves as a..
How to calculate the difference between two dates using PHP? the exception that it doesn't take daylight savings time into account. That means that it's off by an hour at most but except..
Website screenshots using PHP HTML5 and JS feature is also possible to render the page into a canvas object using Javascript. Here a nice library to do.. to get a feedback like G . Once you have rendered the dom into the canvas you can then send to the server via ajax and save..
Headers already sent by PHP compensate multiple newlines or tabs or spaces shifted into such gaps. UTF 8 BOM Linebreaks and spaces alone can be a problem... the phptags tag tidier . It rewrites close and open tags into long and short forms but also easily fixes leading and trailing..
How to get useful error messages in PHP? debugger is very similar to xdebug and integrates directly into the editor so you use 1 program to do everything. Cartman's..
When to use single quotes, double quotes, and backticks? backticks without any real thought. Example query 'INSERT INTO table id col1 col2 VALUES NULL val1 val2 ' Also in the above.. anyway with backticks more on this later... . query INSERT INTO `table` `id` `col1` `col2` `date` VALUES NULL 'val1' 'val2'.. . Same thing with some variable replacements query INSERT INTO ` table` `id` `col1` `col2` `date` VALUES NULL ' val1' ' val2'..
Why shouldn't I use mysql_* functions in PHP? structure exactly it's even shorter pdo_query INSERT INTO pages VALUES _POST So much simplicity. But let's get back to..
How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL? key share improve this question use INSERT IGNORE INTO table see http 2007 10 18 mysql insert if not.. errors. Method 1 using REPLACE It ™s very simple REPLACE INTO `transcripts` SET `ensembl_transcript_id` ˜ENSORGT00000000001.. 2 using INSERT IGNORE Also very simple INSERT IGNORE INTO `transcripts` SET `ensembl_transcript_id` ˜ENSORGT00000000001..
Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error Here is my code for that stmt memberMysqli prepare INSERT INTO questionnaire userid VALUES stmt bind_param 's' _POST 'userid'..
PHP + MySQL transactions examples 0 mysql_query START TRANSACTION a1 mysql_query INSERT INTO rarara l_id VALUES '1' a2 mysql_query INSERT INTO rarara l_id.. INSERT INTO rarara l_id VALUES '1' a2 mysql_query INSERT INTO rarara l_id VALUES '2' if a1 and a2 mysql_query COMMIT else..
In PHP when submitting strings to the database should I take care of illegal characters using htmlspecialchars() or use a regular expression? care of the data dbPreparedStatement db prepare 'INSERT INTO table htmlcontent VALUES ' dbPreparedStatement execute array.. self explaining dbPreparedStatement db prepare 'INSERT INTO table htmlcontent VALUES htmlcontent ' dbPreparedStatement execute.. PARAM_INT . Example dbPreparedStatement db prepare 'INSERT INTO table postId htmlcontent VALUES postid htmlcontent ' dbPreparedStatement..
PDO support for multiple queries (PDO_MYSQL, PDO_MYSQLND) [closed] PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES 0 sql DELETE FROM car INSERT INTO car name type VALUES 'car1' 'coupe' INSERT INTO car name type.. car INSERT INTO car name type VALUES 'car1' 'coupe' INSERT INTO car name type VALUES 'car2' 'coupe' try db exec sql catch PDOException.. PDO ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES 1 sql DELETE FROM car INSERT INTO car name type VALUES 'car1' 'coupe' INSERT INTO car name type..
How to include a PHP variable inside a MySQL insert statement What am I doing wrong type 'testing' mysql_query INSERT INTO contents type reporter description VALUES type 'john' 'whatever'.. reporter mysql_real_escape_string reporter query INSERT INTO contents type reporter description VALUES ' type' ' reporter'.. this type 'testing' reporter John O'Hara pquery INSERT INTO contents type reporter description VALUES s s s type reporter..
insert multiple rows via a php array into mysql 'text' .' '. row 'category_id' .' ' mysql_query 'INSERT INTO table text category VALUES '.implode ' ' sql The advantage of..
Process CSV Into Array With Column Headings For Key CSV Into Array With Column Headings For Key I have a CSV with the first..
Regex to detect Invalid UTF-8 String So we may want to convert foo . chr 128 . chr 255 Into foo 128 255 So just detecting that the string is not good enough..
Break a CSS file into an array with PHP width 100px #selector a float left text decoration none Into a php array... array 2 #selector array 2 0 array 1 display string..
how to make a simple php app send emails from heroku cedar stack? php bin pear install Mail php bin pear install Net_SMTP Into bin compile. 2.Then you need to tell your application to load..
Crash Course in Web Development (PHP+HTML) [closed] PHP for a programmer . Something like the wonderful Dive Into Python would be perfect but for PHP and HTML of course. php..
Collecting Column Values Into An Array Column Values Into An Array One of the patterns that I frequently run across when..
PHP - how to flip the rows and columns of a 2D array how to turn something like this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Into this 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 11 3 6 9 12 But actually I want to turn..
Learning Python coming from PHP takes quite a bit of time to master. The suggest of Dive Into Python is valid although the Python 3 version is only for newbies..
How can I create friendly URLs with .htaccess? index.php ctrl pelicula id 0160399 tab posters Into this http pelicula 0221889 http pelicula..
How to split a string into words. Ex: “stringintowords” -> “String Into Words”? into words. Ex &ldquo stringintowords&rdquo &ldquo String Into Words&rdquo What is the right way to split a string into words.. or punctuation marks For example stringintowords String Into Words Could you please advise what algorithm should be used..
Human Readable Date Using PHP a function to convert dates like 2010 10 04 17 45 50 Into something more pretty like 10 October at 17 45 And so it can..
CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS has a length or size limit? with a large information data from server a to server b. Into server b i receive only a part of posts data even if with htaccess..
Displaying Facebook in an Iframe on my website But In that case I cant understand How shall i Login Into facebook. When i Login it get's redirected to the Main Site...
How to prevent SQL injection with dynamic tablenames? BY Category result mysql_query query or die mysql_error Into this layer mysql_real_escape_string _GET 'layer' query SELECT..
Track php emails with php script? on your definition of delivered into the end users mailbox Into their email client as to how reliable these stats would be...
PHP: How can I block direct URL access to a file, but still allow it to be downloaded by logged in users? access control hotlinking share improve this question Into folder members create new folder files move here all your songs.. and add the following lines Order Deny Allow Deny from all Into folder members create file get_song.php and add the following..
Post on someones wall using Facebook API PHP to the Query String. The user will be required to Log Into their Facebook account if they are not already logged in but..