php Programming Glossary: intersection
How do I check if a longitude/latitude point is within a range of coordinates? of that vector passes through the other point. Vector intersection GreatCircle a GreatCircle b return a.normal.CrossProduct b.normal.. a intersects a great circle b by find the vector c the intersection of a 's whole great circle and b . find the vector d the antipode.. bool GreatCircleSegment Intersects GreatCircle b Vector c intersection this.getWhole b Vector d antipode c return liesBetween c this.start..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables about Intersections Well not all databases support the intersection but pretty much all databases will allow you to create an intersection.. but pretty much all databases will allow you to create an intersection through a join or a well structured where statement at the least.. Metallic 1 row in set 0.00 sec If you wish to perform an intersection across two different tables using a database that doesn't inherently..
What does the `[^][]` regex mean? inside a character class or only in the case of classes intersection but it must be preceded by . Then the last is clear it is the..
How to find “related items” in PHP http wiki Jaccard_index Which is J a b intersection a b union a b So lets say you want to compute the coefficient.. Item B which has the tags books reading autobiography intersection A B books reading union A B books school pencil textbook reading..
List of Big-O for PHP functions Intersection Union Subtraction array_intersect_key if intersection 100 do O Max param_i_size ‘param_i_count for all i if intersection.. 100 do O Max param_i_size ‘param_i_count for all i if intersection 0 intersect O ‘param_i_size for all i array_intersect if intersection.. 0 intersect O ‘param_i_size for all i array_intersect if intersection 100 do O n^2 ‘param_i_count for all i if intersection 0 intersect..
System for keeping track of user favorites KEY movie_id REFERENCES movies movie_id This is called an intersection table or join table as it joins rows in the users table to rows..
Creating a threaded private messaging system like facebook and gmail relationship for threading a user table and then an intersection table between user and message that stores which messages have.. a message or not just attempt to read the user ID in the intersection table for the given message. If it isn't there then that message.. and if you want to have multiple recipients you can use an intersection table to hold the list of recipients for each message. If you..