php Programming Glossary: interpretation
Derived class defined later in the same file “does not exist”? understand the inner workings of Zend. The following is my interpretation of the PHP source fueled in great part by educated guesses...
Sanitizing user's data in GET by PHP parsers are actually much more complicated in their interpretation of what a tag can be than you might think. htmlspecialchars..
How can I use C++ code to interact with PHP? to do some things faster if programmed well no need for interpretation of PHP code only execution of machine code which is generally..
BOM in a PHP page auto generated by Wordpress
How to load classes based on pretty URLs in MVC-like page? coupling your router ends up chained to that specific interpretation of MVC like architecture Routing is a task which even in custom..
Change “HUE” of an image with PHP GD Library? Note I'm from a photoshop background so in the event my interpretation of hue is different from others here's what I mean... In photoshop..
How does PHP Work? that describes this well feel free to provide your own interpretation. As Carl Smotricz points out there is a part of PHP that can..
Compare group of tags to find similarity/score with PHP/MySQL NOTE This solution is MySQL only as MySQL has its own interpretation of GROUP BY I've also used my own calculation of similarity...
Bulletin board - Database optimisation in BulletinRating and ResponseRating . This will require interpretation on every access. 15.2. When it is no longer a boolean it can.. a Lookup table. The names are then determined by Joins and interpretation is eliminated. I drew this in the First Data Model so that you..
PHP: call to an instance method via ClassName::method syntax, results in a static call? code accidently MyClass method I would expect to have an interpretation error about the above line because the called method is not..
how to parse a Google Maps geocoding result to find the current cityname. Hence there is 3 different interpretation of the name Country AdministrativeArea _AdministrativeAreaName..
Having a single entry point to a website. Bad? Good? Non-issue? mvc share improve this question In short Rasmus or the interpretation is wrong. This shows a clear lack of understanding how computers..
PHP/PDO/MySQL: inserting into MEDIUMBLOB stores bad data so it seems like the most likely culprit is PDO and its interpretation of the parameter value for that column. I've tried using bindValue..
Parse HTML as PHP the server will needlessly pass these pages to PHP for interpretation when none is necessary. But even then it isn't dramatic the..
Commenting interpreted code and performance php and therefore reduce this overhead or remove or interpretation If so how can I have my cake and eat it too php javascript..
Doctine 2 Restricting Associations with DQL there a recommended strategy for this problem Here is my interpretation of their suggested solution. class Category protected id protected..