php Programming Glossary: intent
stringByEvaluatingJavascriptFromString (iOS method, what is Android equivalent?) do the same for Android. What are my options Basically the intent is to capture the path so that I can email this same picture.....
DateTime::diff() isn't affected by timezone but always return same value time to new DateTime end new DateTimeZone 'GMT' Then you intent to convert it to America Denver time but since you created the..
How to change from-address when using gmail smtp server sendmail or postfix on nix or IIS on Windows. If you are intent on using gmail then you could Setup a dedicated
Complicated nested array issue an ORDER BY ensures this happens and makes your intention clear to anyone looking at the code. Also because you're.. . This code hasn't been tested but I think the intent is clear you should be able to bend this as required but it..
isset() and empty() make code ugly you can evaluate with isset or empty depending on your intent. If you regularly set an array key to null and want it to mean..
Is it necessary to wrap long lines when sending emails? fact that such implementations are non conformant to the intent of this specification Sounds to me like the real limit is 998..
Models in the Zend Framework Don't think this is the only one but I try to follow the intent of the ZF's design. Here are more of my thoughts and links on..
Is XMLReader a SAX parser, a DOM parser, or neither? If XMLReader is related to this project's goals and intent then the answer to your question falls squarely into the neither..
implicit class variable declaration in php?
What are the best PHP input sanitizing functions? fine. Your mistake is one of order of operations and the intent of the functions. When users submit data you need to make sure..
Auditing a PHP codebase
PHP - create a spiral this question My solution is quite verbose because the intent is for you to examine it and learn how it works. php Creates..
In PHP, what is the differences between NULL and setting a string to equal 2 single quotes some months I decided this looked better and had a clearer intent. blankVar null This worked without hiccup for a while but recently..
How to start/stop a cronjob using PHP? . Later I will tweak it to run from the web which is my intent. Usage . cron.php activate to enable the cronjob and . cron.php..
What's quicker and better to determine if an array key exists in PHP? example on this site. So which is better Faster Clearer intent php share improve this question isset is faster but its..
How can I keep the same url in the address bar for every page? site. There are two ways to do this however if you are intent on this direction and I really do suggest that you turn back..
PDF Editing in PHP?
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX by Emanuele Feronato in his post . So if anyone has the intent to dynamically load Wordpress posts into a defined DIV you can..
how to access PHP variables from within JavaScript? but that won't let you do arrays and such. If your intent is to set the value within some form you can do like input type..
OutOfRangeException vs. OutOfBoundsException