php Programming Glossary: intervals
Anatomy of a Distributed System in PHP recurring tasks that should be executed at some specified intervals eg. client A submits task AA that should be executed every minute..
GMT vs UTC dates Atomic Time TAI with leap seconds added at irregular intervals to compensate for the Earth's slowing rotation. From Greenwich..
WebRTC video chat with Ajax instead of WebSocket: Possible? . Clients are constantly polling the server at regular intervals and they can send SDP descriptions ICE candidates to a specific..
PHP Script in IFRAME Blocks Other Code The second PHP script is supposed to be called in regular intervals to monitor execution of the first script file progress download... call the monitoring PHP script multiple times in 2 second intervals window.setTimeout function startDownloadMonitoring 1000 window.setTimeout.. call the monitoring PHP script multiple times in 2 second intervals window.setTimeout function startDownloadMonitoring 1000 window.setTimeout..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects remember to have hudson clean up after itself in regular intervals. If you have more than 20 projects set up consider not displaying..
printing restaurant opening hours from a database table in human readable format using php share improve this question You want to union a bunch of intervals for each day. Stick to 24h format actually convert it to seconds.. the approach is using an interval data structure union all intervals for a given day together. Now reverse the dictionary. Instead.. Now reverse the dictionary. Instead of mapping days to intervals map intervals to days. Now find a way to represent those groups..
php garbage collection while script running that can take up to an 15 minutes to execute. At regular intervals I have it spitting out memory_get_usage so I can see what is..
Timed Tasks (cron-like) in PHP to register task class method to be called at given intervals. Ability to specify whether a given task can be run multiple..
MySQL default time format UTC or GMT? Atomic Time TAI with leap seconds added at irregular intervals to compensate for the Earth's slowing rotation. Both are same..
PHP sessions timing out too quickly website and it seems like they are disappearing at random intervals. I don't know if they are timing out due to inactivity or if..
Speeding up large numbers of mysql updates and inserts times . This is an update that collects data generated at intervals over a 24 hour period and then makes a massive update to the..
Web based text chat? of pulling the information from the server in regular intervals the data is pushed from the server to the browser when it is..
How to make a chat room script with PHP? it feels strange because you only get responses at those intervals. additionally it puts quite a strain on your server and bandwidth...
How to Use Long Polling or Ajax Push in your Website achieve this. i tried to use normal ajax and php by using intervals but not able to get the result. Thank you. P.S Please show me..