php Programming Glossary: improvement
How to properly set up a PDO connection con con dbh Here I do believe there's room for massive improvement since I recently started learning OOP and using PDO instead.. What I should do instad areas I could or should change for improvement etc... I'm eager to learn... php sql class pdo share improve..
How to render ZF2 view within JSON response? your criteria. Though i am sure that there is room for improvement as there's some nasty handwork to be done... public function..
Adding unobtrusive progress bar to old-school file uploads that can show a progress bar while uploading a great improvement especially for shaky and low bandwidth connections. However..
PHP Mysql joins across databases slow from my own research into it there is not much speed improvement with MYSQLi vs MYSQL. Real world tests don't show that being..
How to include config.php efficiently? auto_prepend_file ini setting however the biggest improvement you can make is to abandon the usage of multiple php files and..
Login without HTTPS, how to secure? the drawbacks of each such solutions is a plus. Amy improvement better than plain passwords is welcome. We do not aim for a..
PHP htmlentities() on input before DB insert, instead of on output saving this step. However this would only leave a notable improvement if the HTML data is very large. In general to keep things readable..
Algorithm to get the excel-like column name of a number do it Maybe something to keep it simpler or a performance improvement Edit ircmaxell's implementation works pretty fine. But I'm going..
Calculate business days on the date function page in the PHP manual. It's an improvement of an earlier function in the comments that adds support for..
Processing large JSON files in PHP
Is there a point to minifying PHP? language. My question is would clients see a visible speed improvement in page loads and such if I were to minify my PHP Also is there.. for Digg earlier this year that covers the performance improvements given by HipHop. In short it's not too much faster than optimizing..
Facebook mutual friends and FQL 4999/5000 record limit averages 14 seconds for over 12 000 rows so that is a huge improvement. You can see the application at work here Oh..
Cached, PHP generated Thumbnails load slow: How to find problem/solution from Waterfall graphs?
Is this correct object oriented programing in php? [closed] correct OOP and while I am sure there is still room for improvement it's quite proper and SOLID in my book. And it's easy to maintain..
Is mysql_real_escape_string() necessary when using prepared statements? query is necessary to use mysql_real_escape_string Any improvement or the query is fine consulta _REQUEST term . sql db prepare..
What does PHP do with deprecated functions? has been deprecated and what to do. Most often it's an improvement e.g. in security so you really should deal with these warnings..
Split a text into single words text Is this a good approach Do you have any idea for improvement Thanks in advance php split splitting share improve this..
How do I add more than one row with Zend_Db? 4 5 6 EXECUTE 7 8 9 However supporting either of these improvements would add complexity to the Row and Rowset classes. This is.. small number of rows is small so it would be a noticeable improvement only if you're bulk loading a huge number of rows. If that's..
How can one check to see if a remote file exists using PHP? closing. And being favicons small you might not see much improvement. Caching the result locally seems a good idea if it turns out..