php Programming Glossary: implicit
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? of mathematical functions and operations. It supports implicit multiplication multivariable functions and nested functions... variable function opening parethesis op ' ' index it's an implicit multiplication heart of the algorithm while stack count 0 and.. preg_match ^ a z w val matches may be func or variable w implicit multiplication against parentheses... if in_array matches 1..
Stop using `global` in PHP an error because the class or some code in SomeClass.php implicitly depends on a global variable config . There's no indication.. you want to use SomeClass . So instead of creating implicit invisible dependencies inject all dependencies require 'SomeClass.php'..
Checking if array is multidimensional or not? answer is no you can't do it without at least looping implicitly if the 'second dimension' could be anywhere. If it has to.. array shortcircuiting whenever a hit is found at least the implicit loop is better than the straight for more multi.php php a array..
Using MX records to validate email addresses found the A RR is treated as if it was associated with an implicit MX RR with a preference of 0 pointing to that host. If one or.. that name unless they are located using the MX RRs the implicit MX rule above applies only if there are no MX records present...
eclipse xdebug session never completes off windows firewall on both machines. I tried turning implicit flush on. Any ideas php eclipse xampp xdebug share improve..
'AND' vs '&&' as operator than and . The addition of parentheses to show the implicit order makes this clearer truthiness this and that If you used..
Do PHP PDO prepared statments need to be escaped? why it's often said that the security advantage is only implicit not the primary reason for using PDO. If you concat the SQL..
MySQL: how to get the difference between two timestamps in seconds returns the internal timestamp value directly with no implicit œstring to Unix timestamp conversion. share improve this answer..
What's the difference between PHP's DOM and SimpleXML extensions? like SimpleXml too much. That's because I dont like the implicit access to the nodes e.g. foo bar 1 baz 'attribute' . It ties..
Join tables with comma values There is absolutely never a good reason to use SQL '89 implicit join syntax. SELECT ni. nf. group_concat nm.mailgroup_name as..
Safe alternatives to PHP Globals (Good Coding Practices) namespacing functionality the function body has no implicit dependencies to the outside world anymore and vice versa you..
Headers already sent by PHP also be any doubly loaded extension module which let to an implicit warning message. Preceding error messages If another PHP statement..
Store all data changes with every details (like Stackoverflow) [closed] the single query all data is in their original format no implicit type conversions. good performance on search in the revisions.. key store in database bad search performance because of implicit type conversions may slowdown overall performance of the application.. possible data conversion errors precision loss because of implicit type conversion doesn't keep track of changes when you directly..