php Programming Glossary: implemented
Who should handle the conditions in complex queries, the data mapper or the service layer? tells you what it is supposed to do not how it should be implemented. Therefore all the answers in this topic should be treated as..
How can I store my users' passwords safely? correct' else echo 'wrong credentials' PHPass has been implemented in some quite well known projects phpBB3 WordPress 2.5 as well..
Mechanisms for tracking DB schema changes [closed] or is it best just to roll our own solution Has anyone implemented something similar before and integrated it into Subversion post.. using other languages have looked at migrations and have implemented their own language specific versions. I know of Ruckusing a..
Working with large numbers in PHP GMP as it's fresher and has richer API. Based on GMP I've implemented Decimal2 class for storing and processing currency amounts like..
Setting up a deployment / build / CI cycle for PHP projects are or were in a similar situation and have successfully implemented a solution for this Especially good step by step tutorials and..
How is the PHP array implemented on the C level? is the PHP array implemented on the C level The PHP array is one of PHP's core features... array_rand . Now onto my question. How is the PHP array implemented on the C level This would be very helpful for predicting the..
List of Big-O for PHP functions number large_prime_array This is because in_array is implemented with a linear search O n which will linearly slow down as prime_array.. prime_array grows. Where the array_key_exists function is implemented with a hash lookup O 1 which will not slow down unless the hash..
How do you implement pagination in PHP? pagination in PHP How are paged results commonly implemented in PHP I'd like to have a results page with 10 results. Paging.. understanding of relational databases. Pagination is often implemented with some simple query parameters. myResults.php..
ACL implementation Please could you explain me how simpliest ACL could be implemented in MVC. Here is the first approach of using Acl in Controller.....
How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter? and intuitive Download Tank Auth here Original answer I've implemented my own as well currently about 80 done after a few weeks of..
Simple Post-Redirect-Get code example PRG but no simple PHP code example. Here's what I implemented The form.php has an action validate.php . The validate.php is..
REST API - why use PUT DELETE POST GET? a request such as Delete cars oldest could actually be implemented as Post cars oldest action delete Whereas Delete cars id 123456..
Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security? reduced. Theoretically prepared statements that are implemented perfectly would be impervious to ALL attacks known and unknown..
Compiling an AST back to source code Comments Most standard parsers including the one you implemented using the Zend parser I'm pretty sure throw comments away completely...
Reference: Comparing PHP's print and echo zend_do_echo . Runtime differences ZEND_PRINT is implemented as follows pseudocode PRINT var result result 1 ECHO var So..
PHP OOP core framework a good way to go and even more important how would this be implemented in OOP the main projects controller class projects function..