php Programming Glossary: improperly
SQL injections in ADOdb and general website security question SQL injection attacks happen when user input is improperly encoded. Typically the user input is some data the user sends..
Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps? function will it ever cause a problem If a UTF string is improperly encoded will something go wrong like a parsing error in regex.. mark an entity as bad html Is there ever a chance that improperly encoded strings will result in function returning FALSE because.. the best you can do at the moment. If a UTF string is improperly encoded will something go wrong If you let such a sequence get..
Properly Escaping with MySQLI | query over prepared statements own but it's rather mere a consequence. A consequence of improperly formatted query. When creating a query you have to properly..
CSVs without quotes not working with fgetcsv related to the quotes. My question is how do I read these improperly formatted CSVs UPDATE Cause has been found This is specific..
Fix incorrectly displayed encoding on an html document with php php Is there a way to fix the characters that display improperly after running this html markup through phpquery newDocument.. Woman in the original document that end up displaying improperly after creating the new doc with phpquery. Original document..
Add, update and edit an XML file with PHP insert correctly into a web page without this it may nest improperly if any divs are empty xsl output method html omit xml declaration..
Convert array of paths into UL list problem. It turns out that the script that i found creates improperly formatted UL lists. In a CORRECT situation a sub list is contained..
What does the 'period' character (.) mean if used in the middle of a php string? using the standard inline string syntax. A few ways to improperly use this echo The result is . result Here you have a variable..
Fb.UI Dialogs are displaying in Popups instead of an iframe nothing wrong with Facebook. Apparently something was set improperly in my FFox profile and resetting it fixed the issue. php facebook..
.htaccess shorten URL using php $_GET .htaccess file it is really hard for this function not to improperly interact with the others. Below is the current code of my .htaccess..