php Programming Glossary: implications
How foreach actually works second implication is that usually there shouldn't be any implications. The foreach behavior is usually rather transparent to the user..
Performance of try-catch in php of try catch in php What kind of performance implications are there to consider when using try catch statements in php..
Can I close a file by unsetting the handle? and it is freed by the garbage collector. Consider the implications of this. It's safe to assume that all traces of the variable..
Is it necessary to have a wsdl file for the creation of a webservice in php? is no wsdl file. What is meant by that and or what are the implications off that Thanks in adv Richard php web services wsdl share..
php String Concatenation, Performance
Where to store uploaded files (sound, pictures and video) I am toying around with this idea to consider the security implications of each method and other issues I might have not calculated..
Live Video Streaming with PHP Let's start off simple without Akamai and think about the implications here. Video chat etc. it's all client side in the beginning...
UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files my name in the comments. But I'm trying to understand the implications should I use it without worrying or are there cases when it..
Is it possible to rewind a PDO result? result into an array with fetchAll . Both solutions have implications for your applications performance so think twice about it if..
File Upload Large Files PHP/AJAX [closed] and max_execution time. I just wonder what the security implications are of having post_max_size set to say 500M Its not the issue.. hackers out there can shed any light on the security implications of having a really large value for post_max_size that would..
Export from PHP to Excel the two different scenarios have very different memory implications. The only gotcha I found was a few quirks between outputting..
convert using ffmpeg without exec in that directory. But you must try and see the implications of such a setup in real life... Regarding your PHP extension..
Can PHP restart Apache? know you're about to kill the parent process which has bad implications for the child. The simplest method would be to have a file tmp..
PHP - concatenate or directly insert variables in string result will be the same and even if there are performance implications those won't matter 1 . As a sidenote so my answer is a bit more..
Is it safe to use ajax for login? improve this question I can't think of any security implications on using Ajax to handle login and logout. It doesn't matter..
What is the best way to add two strings together? This is not necessarily 'bad' but it can have performance implications in certain scenarios like thousands millions of concatenations..
get_instance() in Codeigniter: Why assign it to a variable? to a variable I'm fairly certain I understand the implications of not assigning by reference but why is it recommended to assign..
self closing tags in XML files circumstances to ignore a particular item but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different..