php Programming Glossary: importnode
Merge XML files in PHP formatOutput true DOMParent load parent node DOMParent importNode node true if tag null tag DOMParent getElementsByTagName tag.. import copy item from document 2 to document 1 item1 doc1 importNode item2 true append imported item to document 1 'res' element.. import copy item from document 2 to document 1 item1 doc1 importNode item2 true append imported item to document 1 'res' element..
How to sort a xml file using DOM '1.0' 'UTF 8' libraries newdoc appendChild newdoc importNode dom documentElement foreach books as book libraries appendChild.. foreach books as book libraries appendChild newdoc importNode book true echo newdoc saveXML However a much better approach..
Replace newlines with BR tags, but only inside PRE tags Document new DOMDocument Document appendChild Document importNode Body true return Document saveHTML dom new DOMDocument dom loadHTML..
DOMElement cloning and appending: 'Wrong Document Error' share improve this question Use DOMDocument importNode to import the node into the other document before adding it..
How to use XMLReader in PHP? z readOuterXML node simplexml_import_dom doc importNode z expand true now you can use node without going insane about..
How do I parse partial HTML? do the trick tempDom new DOMDocument tempImported tempDom importNode keepme true tempDom appendChild tempImported newHtml tempDom..
PHP SimpleXML: insert node at certain position target insert_dom target_dom ownerDocument importNode dom_import_simplexml insert true if target_dom nextSibling return..
How to parse actual HTML from page using CURL? loop tmp_dom new DOMDocument tmp_dom appendChild tmp_dom importNode sections item i true innerHTML trim tmp_dom saveHTML This will..
SimpleXML: append one tree to another into the dictionary document domcat domdict ownerDocument importNode domcat TRUE Append the cat to c in the dictionary domdict appendChild..
How to import XML string in a php DOMDocument dom_import_simplexml simpleXmlElement domElement document importNode domElement true elementBody appendChild domElement This solution.. to import the bar tree one documentElement appendChild one importNode bar TRUE echo one saveXml outputs xml version 1.0 root foo one..
How to insert HTML to PHP DOMNode? getElementsByTagName 'body' item 0 childNodes as node dom importNode node newDiv appendChild node And as a handy function function.. 'body' item 0 childNodes as node parent ownerDocument importNode node parent appendChild node Then you can simply do this elem..
convert part of dom element to string with html tags inside of them cloned element cloneNode TRUE newdoc appendChild newdoc importNode cloned TRUE echo newdoc saveHTML share improve this answer..
xPath insert before and after - With DOM and PHP doc foreach x query ' div ul li' as anchor container doc importNode new DOMElement 'div' container setAttribute 'class' 'container'..
PHP - SimpleXML - AddChild with another SimpleXMLElement from toDom appendChild toDom ownerDocument importNode fromDom true We have for php header Content type text plain..
Read a namespaced attribute from a SimpleXmlElement (imported from XMLReader) reader value but if i expand the node and copy it with doc importNode this attributes are ignored. reader new XMLReader reader open.. if reader localName product node simplexml_import_dom doc importNode reader expand true echo node attr_name. br br reader next..
Convert spaces between PRE tags, via DOM parser child tmp_doc new DOMDocument tmp_doc appendChild tmp_doc importNode child true innerHtml . tmp_doc saveHTML echo innerHtml Also..