php Programming Glossary: globally
Stop script execution upon notice/warning possible to have PHP stop execution upon a notice warning globally Eg. for all sites on the server. We run a development server..
How would you code an anti plagiarism site? is PHP. UPDATE I'm thinking of not checking for plagiarism globally but more say in 30 uploaded essays from a class. In case students..
Limit execution time of an function or command PHP share improve this question set_time_limit does run globally but it can be reset locally. Set the number of seconds a script..
Optimizing Kohana-based Websites for Speed and Scalability times for all pages or am I able to apply benchmarking globally and quickly I will be using the Cache library more in time to..
Preserving session variables across different domains
Problems with lib-icu dependency when installing Symfony 2.3.x via Composer standard edition myproject 2.2.1 I have Composer installed globally Curious about 2.3.0 RC1 I figured this would go smoothly composer..
Access global variable from within a class a Show With a bit of surprise I cannot access the globally defined a variable from within the class and I get a Undefined..
data mapper vs active record [closed] methods are more difficult to test persistence often globally accessed active record often mistaken to be the domain object..
Tracking Memory Usage in PHP be more useful for you. If you're tracking memory usage globally real would be of more use. memory_limit limits the real number..
Redefine Built in PHP Functions echo or time I don't need to define these functions globally just within a single script for testing. I think this can be..
PHP Class Constants - Public, Private or Protected? php const share improve this question Yes they are globally accessible so long as the class itself is loaded. As far as..
Avoid DOMDocument XML warnings in php call e.g. @ dom load which is somewhat slow because it globally changes the value of display_errors to off executes the function.. line code on line 1 DON'T do what Fran Verona suggested globally disabling error reporting is something you should never do...
get_instance() in Codeigniter: Why assign it to a variable? assign it to a variable In Codeigniter get_instance is a globally available function that returns the Controller super object..
move_uploaded_file gives “failed to open stream: Permission denied ” error after all configurations i did of those folders same as httpd process owner OR make them globally writable bad practice . Check apache process owner ps aux grep..
Symfony 2 load different template depending on user agent properties Blog index.'. format.'.twig' But can it be done globally Like a service or something that execute before every request..
create superglobal variables in php? this question Static class variables can be referenced globally e.g. class myGlobals static myVariable function a print myGlobals..
Very large uploads with PHP exploitable DOS attack. I'd like to not set this setting globally. The server also requires some other variables to be there in..
Asynchronous processing or message queues in PHP (CakePHP) hostname which should be unique within our cluster if not globally useful for file uploads . I found it worked perfectly for image..