php Programming Glossary: gives
Converting words to numbers in PHP that seventeen hundred is not allowed in this grammar This gives you the last three digits of your number. If you stopped at..
Security threats with uploads check if they actually are images.Also what if a prankster gives me a url and I end up downloading an entire website full of.. if it doesn't pass validation. What if a prankster gives me a url and I end up downloading an entire website full of..
How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables the same list but also include 4WDs in it . This however gives us a great excuse to look at two different ways to accomplish..
Global or Singleton for database connection? a configurable number of connections A singleton factory gives you that flexibility. I set it up with very little extra complexity..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] it'll work. Notice that the error message you got actually gives you a lot of information to help you find this yourself Warning..
Simplest way to profile a PHP script echo sprintf Elapsed f now then but that sometimes gives me negative results. Plus it's a lot of trouble to sprinkle..
What is a class in PHP? state the first lock stays locked var_dump aLock isLocked gives Boolean true var_dump anotherLock isLocked gives Boolean false.. isLocked gives Boolean true var_dump anotherLock isLocked gives Boolean false Now the entire reponsibility of keeping a Lock..
PHP: producing relative date/time from timestamps date share improve this question This function gives you 1 hour ago or Tomorrow like results between 'now' and 'specific..
parse youtube video id using preg_match shown in this pic My PHP is as follows but it doesn't work gives Unknown modifier ' ' error ... subject http
SimpleXML Reading node with a hyphenated name namespacesMeta 'office' var_dump officeXML echo ' hr ' gives me object SimpleXMLElement 91 public 'document meta' object..
Convert SVG image to PNG with PHP different states based on a set of data. This SVG file gives me a good blank map of the US and is very easy to change the..
PHP Session Fixation / Hijacking index... session_name sessionid . Once the attacker gives the url to the client the attack is the same as a session hijacking..
How to validate an Email in PHP? this question You can use the filter_var function which gives you a lot of handy validation and sanitization options. filter_var..
How should a model be structured in MVC? logic changes keeps the controller as simple as possible gives a clear blueprint if you ever need an external API The easiest..
Call php function from javascript presumably with output another Javascript function event gives you a place to work with that output including simply sticking..
Website screenshots using PHP html.pdf append html.png . EDIT This small shell script gives a simple but working usage example on linux with php5 cli and..
Headers already sent by PHP of the more thorough answers. Explains HTTP en detail and gives some examples for rewriting scripts. share improve this answer..
openssl_pkey_new() throwing errors — Proper openssl.cnf setup for php res privkey var_dump openssl_error_string var_dump privkey Gives me the following output string 68 error 0E06D06C configuration..
How to get the OS on which PHP is running? instance on my current machine this code var_dump PHP_OS Gives string 'Linux' length 5 You have some examples and comparisons..
Hash::make not working route.php file I get Route get ' ' function var_dump Hash make 'secret' Gives a bcrypt string output var_dump Hash check 'secret' Hash make..
Handle CURL headers before downloading body HTTP_Request2 http package HTTP 5FRequest2 Gives you the ability to set observers to the connection and throw..
A tool to add and complete PHP source code documentation filename MyClass.php target doc undocumentedelements Gives this in the middle of the output Reading file home squale developpement..
PHP - Compare Date var Turns it into a time value time strtotime var Gives you the seconds since var if time 60 60 24 strtotime var Will..
PHP file_exists and wildcard portion of code list glob 'temp .php' var_dump list Gives me this output array 0 string 'temp 2.php' length 10 1 string..
How to build a tree view with PHP / SQL? using the current item's key id as the parent_id argument Gives us a nested list of subcategories generate_tree_list array..
AjaxFileUpload Plugin does not retrieve $_POST or $_FILES data the following PHP code data 'error' _POST 'current_path' Gives me NULL data 'respons' _FILES 'uploadFile' 'name' Gives me NULL.. Gives me NULL data 'respons' _FILES 'uploadFile' 'name' Gives me NULL Return result in json echo json_encode data UPDATE After..
What is the regex pattern for datetime (2008-09-01 12:35:45 )? d 0 2 i AP M 01 d 2 0 3 0 5 d 1 2 ' '2008 09 01 12 35 45' Gives this error Warning preg_match function.preg match Compilation..
Upload Image to Server using PHP. Store file name in a MYSQL database, with other profile info and your information has been added to the directory else Gives and error if its not echo Sorry there was a problem uploading..
Making SOAP-call in PHP and setting SSL version TestWebservice OppdragServiceSoapHttpPort WSDL Gives the error PHP Fatal error SOAP ERROR Parsing WSDL Couldn't load..
How to add rel=“nofollow” to links with preg_replace() my_folder return original else return tag rel 'nofollow' Gives following output post_content a href http localhost mytest internal..
How to PHP get bit depth of a given PNG image file? info get_png_imageinfo file print_r info Gives you for the example picture Array bit depth 4 bits 4 channels..
PHP Image Resizing _FILES 'uploadedfile' 'name' . has been uploaded else Gives and error if its not echo Sorry there was a problem uploading.. . basename _FILES 'photo' 'name' . has been uploaded else Gives and error if its not echo Sorry there was a problem uploading..
Why doesn't this mail message decode correctly? issues and the attachments. imap_mime_header_decode Gives me an array with the same data. iconv_ mime_ decode Does the..
POST jpeg upload with AFNetworking setCompletionBlock ^ NSLog @ @ operation.responseString Gives a very scary warning operation start I used to do this ASIFormDataRequest.. setCompletionBlock ^ NSLog @ @ operation.responseString Gives a very scary warning operation start share improve this answer..