php Programming Glossary: get_defined_vars
Baffled: PHP Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0? path to some custom_error_log date . n .print_r get_defined_vars true FILE_APPEND LOCK_EX Don't forget that the custom_error_log.. read all session variables using the method with print_r get_defined_vars . Then you need to create a session with exactly the same variables...
PHP String Differences and Dynamic Restrictions placeholders group_count count placeholders 0 var_dump get_defined_vars Above code will get you values like 'placeholder_words' array..
PHP: Get PHP's variables, functions, constants from a php file of php's built in constants and internal php functions get_defined_vars get_defined_functions get_defined_constants Suppose i have this..
Giving PHP include()'d files parent variable scope that you can't change... extract load_file 'included.php' get_defined_vars this var_dump myResult public function get_something return.. vars 'c' vars '_file' extract vars require _file return get_defined_vars included.php php myResult array myVar c get_something If you.. defined_variables include file include_use_scope file.php get_defined_vars get_defined_vars gets ALL variables defined in the scope it..
How to get a variable name as a string in PHP? in PHP php share improve this question You could use get_defined_vars to find the name of a variable that has the same value as the.. but it's the only way I can think of to do this. Edit get_defined_vars doesn't seem to be working correctly it returns 'var' because..
Tools to visually analyze memory usage of a PHP app usage else return strlen serialize obj print_r analyzeMem get_defined_vars Also just got suggested this method by a colleague cheers Dennis..
Check if value isset and null isset share improve this question IIRC you can use get_defined_vars for this foo NULL vars get_defined_vars if array_key_exists.. IIRC you can use get_defined_vars for this foo NULL vars get_defined_vars if array_key_exists 'bar' vars Should evaluate to FALSE if array_key_exists..
PHP: Get all variables defined in current scope/symbol table php debugging scope share improve this question get_defined_vars This function returns a multidimensional array containing a..
How to get all the variables available in a view in PHP? see their types and values. I tried this pre php var_dump get_defined_vars pre But since I am using Codeigniter it also shows all the other..