php Programming Glossary: get_instance
How to Use AJAX in a WordPress Shortcode? GPLv3 add_action 'plugins_loaded' array B5F_SO_13498959 get_instance 'plugin_setup' class B5F_SO_13498959 private cpt 'post' # Adjust.. '' public function __construct public static function get_instance NULL self instance and self instance new self return self instance..
codeigniter multiple file upload class Multi_upload function Multi_upload CI get_instance Perform multiple file uploads Based upon JQuery Multiple Upload.. file upload function go_upload field 'userfile' CI get_instance Is _FILES field set If not no reason to continue. if isset _FILES.. void function multiple_image_properties path '' CI get_instance if CI upload is_image return false if function_exists 'getimagesize'..
how can convert $files contain to array? files in top code function go_upload field 'userfile' CI get_instance Is _FILES field set If not no reason to continue. if isset..
get_instance() in Codeigniter: Why assign it to a variable? in Codeigniter Why assign it to a variable In Codeigniter get_instance.. in Codeigniter Why assign it to a variable In Codeigniter get_instance is a globally available function that returns the Controller.. class instance . I'll include the current source code get_instance is defined in Codeigniter.php Load the base controller class..
Using Facebook PHP-SDK 3.x to register/login user with Codeigniter 2.1.0 parent __construct Your own constructor code CI get_instance CI config load facebook TRUE config CI config item 'facebook'..