

php Programming Glossary: global

Reference: What is variable scope, which variables are accessible from where and what are “undefined variable” errors?


function. This means there's one special scope in PHP the global scope. Any variable declared outside of any function is within.. variable declared outside of any function is within this global scope. Example php foo 'bar' function myFunc baz 42 foo is in.. Example php foo 'bar' function myFunc baz 42 foo is in the global scope baz is in a local scope inside myFunc . Only code inside..

Who needs singletons? [closed]


to access the database. The first thing I thought of is global like db new PDO 'mysql host dbname toto' 'root' 'pwd'.. dbname toto' 'root' 'pwd' function some_function global db db query '...' But it's considered as a bad practice. So..

jQuery Ajax POST example with php


can access the values posted by jQuery.ajax through the global variable _POST like this bar _POST 'bar' Note Always sanitize..

PHP global in functions


global in functions I ask myself on the utility of the global keyword.. global in functions I ask myself on the utility of the global keyword Are there any reasons to prefer one method to another.. str2 return str1. str2 Method 2 function exempleConcat global str1 str2 return str1. str2 When does it make sense to use global..

global variables in php not working as expected


Strange. php global share improve this question Global DOES NOT make the variable global. I know it's tricky Global.. DOES NOT make the variable global. I know it's tricky Global says that a local variable will be used as if it was a variable..

migration to Yii framework


will make debugging extremely difficult and tedious. Global state There are several forms of global state. One that people..

How to properly set up a PDO connection


You also might benefit from watching two following videos Global State and Singletons Don't Look For Things Also I would strongly..

Global or Singleton for database connection?


or Singleton for database connection What is the benefit of.. of global makes the code unnecessarily complex. Code with Global conn new PDO ... function getSomething global conn . . . Code..

MVC For advanced developers [closed]


move on to Inheritance Polymorphism Testing Unit Testing Global State and Singletons Don't Look For Things When you understand..

How can I catch an error caused by mail()?


Error in line 439 of file D test.php Script customer.php Global Error Handler php email share improve this question This..

PHP to Excel, bold font


You'll need to create a Font xf record in the Workbook Global Substream then set the 0x0 value to the xf identifier for that..

PHP class: Global variable as property in class


class Global variable as property in class I have a global variable outside..

PHP global in functions


own or a different point of view doesn't matter. Since the Global topic comes up every now and then we could use a good canonical.. php language design share improve this question Globals are evil This is true for the global keyword as well as everything.. Decouple your code. More Resources http c2.com cgi wiki GlobalVariablesAreBad How is testing Registry Pattern or Singleton..

Pros and Cons of Interface constants


echo MyFooBar FOO 1 My own take on this is that anything Global is Evil . But I wonder if the same applies to Interface Constants...

Global variables in PHP


variables in PHP I'm writing a script that will select a random..

How should a model be structured in MVC?


How to interact with a model Prerequisites watch lectures Global State and Singletons and Don't Look For Things from the Clean..

Properly calling the database from Model in an MVC application?


instance in the application uses same DB connection no Global State video required. file application controllers SomeController.php..

php function variable scope


share improve this question To answer literal question Global variable admin_arr array 1 2 function isAdmin user_id Declare..

Does PHP optimize tail recursion?


opcodes for that sorry for the strange representation Global BCDCAC 0003 NOP BCDD24 0012 SEND_VAL CONST 500000 UNUSED..

Best practice on PHP singleton classes [duplicate]


methods vs singletons choose neither The Clean Code Talks Global State and Singletons Inversion of Control Containers and the..

PHP OOP core framework


slides Unit Testing The Principles of Agile Design Global State and Singletons Don't Look For Things Beyond Frameworks..