

php Programming Glossary: gmdate

Converting a UNIX Timestamp to Formatted Date String


adding 30 minutes to datetime php/mysql


php mysql I have a datetime field endTime in mysql. I use gmdate to populate this endTime field. The value stored is something.. allow him to do a task. how can i do that in php i'm using gmdate to make sure there are no zone differences. Thanks in advance..

How can I use PHP to dynamically publish an ical file to be read by Google Calendar?


UID . md5 uniqid mt_rand true . @yourhost.test DTSTAMP . gmdate 'Ymd' .'T'. gmdate 'His' . Z DTSTART 19970714T170000Z DTEND.. mt_rand true . @yourhost.test DTSTAMP . gmdate 'Ymd' .'T'. gmdate 'His' . Z DTSTART 19970714T170000Z DTEND 19970715T035959Z SUMMARY..

How to use HTTP cache headers with PHP


if none match requests similar to Emil's post. tsstring gmdate 'D d M Y H i s ' timestamp . 'GMT' etag language . timestamp..



used function caching_headers file timestamp gmt_mtime gmdate 'r' timestamp header 'ETag '.md5 timestamp. file .' ' header..

How to enable HTTPS stream wrappers


'AWSAccessKeyId' creds 'access_key' 'Timestamp' gmdate 'Y m d TH i s Z' 'Version' '2008 05 05' 'ZoneName.0' 'us east..

Convert seconds to Hour:Minute:Second


Fastest Way to Serve a File Using PHP


'.File mimeType path Handle caching fileModificationTime gmdate 'D d M Y H i s' File modificationTime path .' GMT' headers getallheaders..

PHP headers already sent [duplicate]


for the following line echo ' center Current Time is '. gmdate H i A . ' GMT Greenwich Mean Time or UTC br ' If I comment it..

Human Readable Date Using PHP


LC_TIME en_US list this year this month this day split gmdate Y m d list this hour this minute this second split gmdate g.. gmdate Y m d list this hour this minute this second split gmdate g i s this gmtoffset 0 this idioma lang function getYear return..

Export to CSV via PHP


download_send_headers filename disable caching now gmdate D d M Y H i s header Expires Tue 03 Jul 2001 06 00 00 GMT header..

how to convert php date formats to GMT and vice versa?


php date gmt share improve this question Although the gmdate functions are available. If you are using PHP 5.2 or greater..

How do i get the gmt time in php


and date for any time zone. This is done with time and gmdate function. gmdate function normally give us GMT time but by doing.. any time zone. This is done with time and gmdate function. gmdate function normally give us GMT time but by doing a trick with.. 5 hours to seconds. dateFormat d m Y H i timeNdate gmdate dateFormat time offset Now if you have to get the time which..

How can I easily convert dates from UTC via PHP?


static function timestampToDateTime timestamp return gmdate 'Y m d H i s' timestamp public static function dateTimeToTimestamp..