php Programming Glossary: get_headers
PHP get_headers() reports different headers than CURL get_headers reports different headers than CURL How is it possible that.. different headers than CURL How is it possible that get_headers could possibly return a different result than getting them by.. text plain url 'http index.html' echo get_headers headers n n headers get_headers url print_r headers echo n nCURL..
get_headers Inconsistency [closed] Inconsistency closed Running the following Code var_dump get_headers.. Inconsistency closed Running the following Code var_dump get_headers http CraxyFile.jpg.. 00 01 GMT path httponly 11 Vary Accept If you Run var_dump get_headers http CraxyFile.jpg You get Array 0 HTTP 1.1 404..
What is the best way to check if a URL exists in PHP? a 404 php url share improve this question you can use get_headers url Example 2 from Manual php By default get_headers uses a.. use get_headers url Example 2 from Manual php By default get_headers uses a GET request to fetch the headers. If you want to send.. array 'http' array 'method' 'HEAD' print_r get_headers 'http' gives Array 0 HTTP 1.1 200 OK Date Sat 29..
PHP get_headers() alternative get_headers alternative I need a PHP script that reads the HTTP response.. response code for each URL request. something like headers get_headers theURL return substr headers 0 9 3 The problem is the get_headers.. theURL return substr headers 0 9 3 The problem is the get_headers function is disabled at server level as a policy.So it doesn't..
HTTP response code after redirect header share improve this question Your method with get_headers and requesting the first response line will return the status.. that does this it's using http_response_header instead of get_headers but the format of the array is the same url 'http contains example code how you can do the HEAD request with get_headers as well. Related How can one check to see if a remote file exists..