php Programming Glossary: get_called_class
PHP and Enumerations if self constCache NULL reflect new ReflectionClass get_called_class self constCache reflect getConstants return self constCache..
Getting the name of a child class in the parent class (static context) src . class Base public static function whoAmI return get_called_class class User extends Base print Base whoAmI prints Base print..
Extending singletons in PHP function getInstance static instances array calledClass get_called_class if isset instances calledClass instances calledClass new calledClass.. fs FileService getInstance If you use PHP 5.3 add this too get_called_class is only in PHP 5.3. if function_exists 'get_called_class' function.. get_called_class is only in PHP 5.3. if function_exists 'get_called_class' function get_called_class bt debug_backtrace l 0 do l lines..
Peculiar Behaviour with PHP (5.3), static inheritance and references function break_static_references self new ReflectionClass get_called_class foreach self getStaticProperties as var val static var val .....
PHP get_called_class() alternative get_called_class alternative I've got an Abstract PHP superclass which contains.. under. class Foo static function _get_class_name return get_called_class works in PHP 5.3. but not in PHP 5.2. static function other_code.. i need 'FooBar' This would work if I called the function get_called_class however this code is going to be run in PHP version 5.2. so..
PHP: get classname from static call in extended class you were called through it does provide a new function get_called_class which can tell you the name of the class a static method was.. an example Class Action public static function n return get_called_class class MyAction extends Action echo MyAction n displays MyAction..
New self vs. new static whereas static is bound to the called class also see get_called_class . class A public static function get_self return new self public..