php Programming Glossary: get_magic_quotes_gpc
Retrieving values from a checkbox DiplĂ´mes officiels br php php if isset _POST 'envoyer' if get_magic_quotes_gpc cours stripslashes trim _POST 'cours' I want to put it in..
How can I disable PHP magic quotes at runtime? since then PHP_INI_PERDIR you can only remove them if get_magic_quotes_gpc process array _GET _POST _COOKIE _REQUEST while list key val..
mysql_real_escape_string and single quote PHP configuration. To check if it's actually enabled echo get_magic_quotes_gpc To disable edit your php.ini file Magic quotes Magic quotes..
Is Markdown (with strip_tags) sufficient to stop XSS attacks? string allowedTags string strip_tags string allowedTags if get_magic_quotes_gpc return mysql_real_escape_string stripslashes string else return..
Allow user submitted HTML in PHP non whitelist approach function FilterHTML string if get_magic_quotes_gpc string stripslashes string string html_entity_decode string..
Large .PDF Files Not Uploading To MySQL Database as Medium BLOB Via PHP, Files under 2MB Work Fine content fclose fp _SESSION 'filetype' fileType if get_magic_quotes_gpc fileName addslashes fileName sqlCheck SELECT id name documentType..
“Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by” error [duplicate] theNotDefinedValue if PHP_VERSION 6 theValue get_magic_quotes_gpc stripslashes theValue theValue theValue function_exists mysql_real_escape_string..
Is preventing XSS and SQL Injection as easy as does this isset array index strlen value trim array index 0 return get_magic_quotes_gpc stripslashes value value else return default which can be used..
Antidote for magic_quotes_gpc()? PHP snippets that go like this function DB_Quote string if get_magic_quotes_gpc true string stripslashes string return mysql_real_escape_string.. jspcal Aren't we supposed to strip slashes only when get_magic_quotes_gpc true and the value originated from _GET _POST or _COOKIE superglobals..
how to insert special character in mysql via php and display on html page _GET array_map 'trim' _GET _POST array_map 'trim' _POST if get_magic_quotes_gpc _GET array_map 'stripslashes' _GET _POST array_map 'stripslashes'.. _POST Method 2 foreach _POST as key value if get_magic_quotes_gpc return addslashes htmlentities strip_tags value ENT_QUOTES.. very beginning of your PHP code add something like this if get_magic_quotes_gpc array_walk_recursive _GET 'stripslashes' array_walk_recursive..
Magic quotes in PHP using something like the following for escaping data if get_magic_quotes_gpc lastname addslashes _POST 'lastname' else lastname _POST 'lastname'..
Mysql Real Escape String PHP Function Adding “\” to My Field Entry magic quotes into account when retrieving request data. If get_magic_quotes_gpc is true then you need to run stripslashes on the input. Best.. isset array index strlen value trim array index 0 return get_magic_quotes_gpc stripslashes value value else return default ..which you can..
Why are $_POST variables getting escaped in PHP? do a stripslashes on any content you fetch from POST if get_magic_quotes_gpc my_post_var stripslashes _POST my_post_var share improve this..
Why is turning magic_quotes_gpc on considered a bad practice? Assuming it to be on or off affects portability. Use get_magic_quotes_gpc to check for this and code accordingly. Performance Because..
PHP - GetSQLValueString function theType theDefinedValue theNotDefinedValue theValue get_magic_quotes_gpc stripslashes theValue theValue theValue function_exists mysql_real_escape_string..
php sql injection have magic quotes enabled. Check the return value of get_magic_quotes_gpc . Magic quotes is an antique attempt from PHP to auto magically..