

php Programming Glossary: get_object_vars

Best way to handle dirty state in an ORM model


do public function cleanState this is_dirty false temp get_object_vars this unset temp 'variableChecksum' checksum should not be part.. true return true previous this variableChecksum temp get_object_vars this unset temp 'variableChecksum' checksum should not be part..

PHP's function to list all objects's attributes


Convert XML to CSV with PHP


f fopen 'test.csv' 'w' foreach xml Item as item fputcsv f get_object_vars item ' ' ' ' fclose f An example of my XML file is below.....

Casting an Array with Numeric Keys as an Object


var_dump o 1 parse error var_dump o '1' NULL var_dump get_object_vars o array 0 Is there anyway to get at the the information that..

Minify / Obfuscate PHP Code


class instances you'll have to instantiate the class and get_object_vars on it and you can poke around and see that you can get alot..

How to Cast Objects in PHP


reflection manually iterating through them all or using get_object_vars . This article should enlighten you on the dark corners of PHP..

How do I convert an object to an array?


php share improve this question You should look at get_object_vars as your properties are declared private you should call this..

get_object_vars() vs. cast to array


vs. cast to array Are there any differences between get_object_vars.. vs. cast to array Are there any differences between get_object_vars obj and array obj Both seem to return the public properties.. share improve this question This is not exactly true. get_object_vars is scope sensitive and will return all visible properties. If..

PHP sorting issue with simpleXML


a section. php doc simplexml_load_file 'test.xml' states get_object_vars doc prop children states states state function sortStates t1.. ' pre ' end testing array_walk states function state state get_object_vars state array_walk state info function el el get_object_vars.. state array_walk state info function el el get_object_vars el usort state info function a b return strcmp a location..

Double dollar sign php


using this kind of code in one of my controllers foreach get_object_vars this view as property value property value Is there any problem..

Show the differences between 2 xml files (with php)


foreach attributes as k v if v a k string v x xml xml get_object_vars xml if is_array xml if count xml 0 return string x for CDATA..

Serializing PHP object to JSON


properties _parent _index public function toArray array get_object_vars this unset array '_parent' array '_index' array_walk_recursive.. public function getToArrayProperties return array_diff_key get_object_vars this array_flip 'index' 'parent' php json object json encode.. 5.4 but call it by hand. Something like this would work as get_object_vars is called from inside the class having access to private protected..

How do I create variables from XML data in PHP?


variables of the object since using the function get_object_vars . php function objectsIntoArray arrObjData arrSkipIndices array.. convert into array if is_object arrObjData arrObjData get_object_vars arrObjData if is_array arrObjData foreach arrObjData as index..