php Programming Glossary: fb
How to evaluate formula passed as string in PHP? user defined functions var vb array 'e' 'pi' constants var fb array built in functions 'sin' 'sinh' 'arcsin' 'asin' 'arcsinh'.. matches 1 get the function name if in_array matches 1 this fb make sure it isn't built in return this trigger cannot redefine.. the function and push onto the output if in_array fnn this fb check the argument count if arg_count 1 return this trigger..
php loop through associative arrays 'HTTPS' 'on' 'https' 'http' foreach friends 'data' as data fbid data 'id' fbfriendlikes fbid facebook api ' '. fbid.' likes'.. 'http' foreach friends 'data' as data fbid data 'id' fbfriendlikes fbid facebook api ' '. fbid.' likes' The fbfriendlikes.. friends 'data' as data fbid data 'id' fbfriendlikes fbid facebook api ' '. fbid.' likes' The fbfriendlikes outputs..
Getting long-lived access token with setExtendedAccessToken() returns short lived token ... facebook setExtendedAccessToken access_token _SESSION fb_ .FB_APP_ID. _access_token now set it into the facebook object.. object .... facebook setAccessToken access_token now our fb object will use the new token as usual ... accessToken facebook..
Facebook API & Ajax POST request new Facebook array 'appId' APPID 'secret' APPSECRET fb_user facebook getUser if fb_user try me facebook api ' me'.. APPID 'secret' APPSECRET fb_user facebook getUser if fb_user try me facebook api ' me' uid facebook getUser catch.. getUser catch FacebookApiException e echo error_log e fb_user null head body div id fb root div script function d s..
facebook error 'Error validating verification code' docs authentication . so i create request to fb and pass redirect_uri. i use test site on localhost. so if i..
Publishing To User's Wall Without Being Online/Logged-in - Facebook Sharing Using Graph API Facebook does not have a P3P policy. Learn why here http p3p Pragma no cache WWW Authenticate OAuth Facebook Platform.. done in multiple of ways Using the Login Plugin div class fb login button data show faces true data width 200 data scope..
Facebook API: How to post to own application wall without login be done automatically. How could I do that I tried already fb new Facebook array 'appId' 'appid' 'secret' 'appsecret' 'cookie'.. 'appId' 'appid' 'secret' 'appsecret' 'cookie' true if fb getSession Post else Logger Every time I get in here What do..
Why is Facebook PHP SDK getUser always returning 0? on a block I do this php if this isLoggedOnFacebook div fb login button show faces true perms email width 500 div php endif.. facebook new javascript sdk oauth 2 0 based fbconnect tutorial New JS SDK has been released https
How to check IF user has ALREADY liked the facebook page? a like button on my website which is for users to like the fb fan page . If the user clicks like I check to see if the even..
Generating Facebook Open Graph meta tags dynamically xhtml lang en xml lang en head prefix og http ns# fb http ns fb# MY_APP_NAME_SPACE http ns fb MY_APP_NAME_SPACE#.. lang en head prefix og http ns# fb http ns fb# MY_APP_NAME_SPACE http ns fb MY_APP_NAME_SPACE# title.. ns# fb http ns fb# MY_APP_NAME_SPACE http ns fb MY_APP_NAME_SPACE# title title meta http equiv Content Type..
Facebook killed Public RSS feeds; how to obtain a Facebook Page RSS with the new Timeline? URL I'm using is https feeds page.php id fb_id format rss20 access_token my_page_token I don't have an age.. FeedWriter.php include the feed generator feedwriter file fb new facebook array 'appId' 'YOUR_APP_ID' get this info from.. 'secret' 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY' by registering an app response fb api ' spreetable feed' 'GET' replace spreetable with your fb..
JavaScript Ajax request vs jQuery $.ajax foo 'bar' And Source data 5Bfoo 5D Bar from POST tab in FB console Header application x www form urlencoded charset UTF.. ajax module default identity is the response POST tab in FB JSON data foo 'Bar' source data Foo Bar but same url is case.. as are the headers BUT when I look at the POST tab in the FB console inspect the request This is the only difference I can..
Getting long-lived access token with setExtendedAccessToken() returns short lived token able to make this work without changing any of the core FB api files. What happens is the setExtendedAccessToken call sends.. facebook setExtendedAccessToken access_token _SESSION fb_ .FB_APP_ID. _access_token now set it into the facebook object ......
Facebook API & Ajax POST request script type text javascript window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' APPID ' oauth true status true cookie true xfbml.. true cookie true xfbml true function fb_connect alert 'FB.getLoginStatus' FB.getLoginStatus function response if response.status.. xfbml true function fb_connect alert 'FB.getLoginStatus' FB.getLoginStatus function response if response.status 'connected'..
mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in [duplicate] 24 answers I'm have some trouble checking if an FB User_id already exists in my db if it doesn't it should then..
Howto use FB Graph to post a message on a feed (wall) use FB Graph to post a message on a feed wall I have created an app.. this access_token 'message' 'Playing around with FB Graph..' This code does not throws any error and I know my access_token.. this access_token 'message' 'Playing around with FB Graph..' But the correct way to do this is include one more..
Facebook API - How do I get a facebook user's profile image through the FB api (without requiring the user to Allow app) How do I get a facebook user's profile image through the FB api without requiring the user to Allow app I'm working on..
How to use Facebook graph API to retrieve fan photos uploaded to wall of fan page? could expand on this or provide a better solution. Using FB PHP SDK php require_once 'config.php' get all photos for album..
Facebook API: How to post to own application wall without login args data curl_exec ch return json_encode data Create FB Object Instance facebook new Facebook array 'appId' appid 'secret'..
How can I find out what Page has installed my Facebook App / which page is loading my app So one way to capture the page id would be php PATH TO FB PHP SDK require '.. .. src facebook.php' facebook new Facebook..
facebook Uncaught OAuthException: An active access token must be used to query information about the current user info just fine. However when I try to post info to their FB account I get this error. Fatal error Uncaught OAuthException.. 'image' '@' . realpath file if user try We have a valid FB session so we can use 'me' upload_photo facebook api ' me photos'..
Why is Facebook PHP SDK getUser always returning 0? faces true perms email width 500 div php endif And the FB JS environment is properly set up I think so it works. So the..
Codeignitor, Facebook javascript SDK, PHP SDK Redirect after facebook login doesnt getUser() until refresh User signs in and grants perms 3. Facebook redirects uses FB.Event.subscribe auth.login to redirect my login controller 4... div script initializing API window.fbAsyncInit function FB.init appId ' My app id ' status true cookie true xfbml true.. cookie true xfbml true channel.html file oauth true FB.Event.subscribe 'auth.login' function response window.location..
Facebook killed Public RSS feeds; how to obtain a Facebook Page RSS with the new Timeline? lt a href quot https profile.php id FB_ID quot gt https profile.php id FB_ID lt a.. id FB_ID quot gt https profile.php id FB_ID lt a gt The URL I'm using is https feeds.. same problem. After looking for a solution I found that FB silently killed public RSS support. see this post from Jesse..